Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/20/2025 6:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers Note: This meeting will also be held via remote conferencing software (Zoom)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0036 1  PresentationCity Clerk administers Oath of Office to Police Officer Timothy Kluenker, followed by Badge Pinning   Not available Not available
25-0037 1  ReportResignation from Kim Novak from the Transit Commission effective February 28, 2025; recommending acceptance and place on file   Not available Not available
25-0038 1  MinutesMinutes of the December 16, 2024 Common Council meeting; recommending approval and place on file   Not available Not available
25-0039 1  ReportCity of Manitowoc TID No. 24 Development Agreement with Tycore Built LLC; recommending acceptance and place on file   Not available Not available
25-0056 1  ReportReport of Special Events Committee relative to the approval of the following events: Coldest Night of the Year - Manitowoc Warming Shelter Fundraiser on 2/22/2025; Painting Pathways Clubhouse Summer Fundraiser on 8/9/2025; and Touch the Trucks on 7/16/2025; recommending approval   Not available Not available
25-0048 1  ReportGeneral City Claims in the amount of $17,379,203.43 enumerated on list thereof, recommending that the claims be allowed and ordered paid and Mayor, Clerk and Finance Director/Treasurer are instructed to issue the necessary order   Not available Not available
25-0008 1  RequestRequest to Approve Updates to DPI Mechanic Job Description; recommending to approve as presented   Not available Not available
25-0027 1  RequestFlashing Pedestrian Crossing at the intersection of South 14th Street and Dewey Street; recommending to install regular, non-flashing pedestrian crossing signs for both directions of travel   Not available Not available
25-0029 1  Action ItemSex Offender Residency Board Appeal for Anthony Fletcher; recommending to approve the appeal   Not available Not available
25-0031 1  Action ItemManitowoc Fire Rescue Department Hardship Request, Call Number 24-2265199; recommending to deny the hardship request and set up a payment plan   Not available Not available
25-0032 1  Action ItemManitowoc Fire Rescue Department Letter of Dispute, Incident Number 24-3892; recommending to deny the dispute   Not available Not available
25-0019 1  ApplicationTwo Year Operator License (#240326) for D. Jimenez   Not available Not available
25-0051 1  ResolutionResolution to Authorize Approval of the Site Assessment Grant Agreement   Not available Not available
25-0053 1  ApplicationTwo Year Operator License (#240330) for A. Franz   Not available Not available
25-0059 1  RequestManitowoc Skatepark Project at Miracles Park   Not available Not available
24-1858 1  RequestDiscussion on Changes to the City of Manitowoc Compensation Plan Maintenance   Not available Not available
25-0049 1  ResolutionResolution for Seasonal Farmers Market Manager Position   Not available Not available
25-0052 1  ResolutionResolution to Revise Employee Policy Manual   Not available Not available
25-0058 1  ResolutionResolution Authorizing Settlement of Workers' Compensation Claim   Not available Not available
25-0050 1  AgreementMunicipal Water Installation Agreements with Various Property Owners   Not available Not available
25-0055 1  ReportReport of Board of Public Works of 1/20/2025, of bids received for Removal of PCB Impacted Soil at the Former Mirro Site, Project WO-25-10   Not available Not available