900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, February 23, 2022  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
The Meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman J.  
Nickels at 6:00PM.  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Dave Diedrich, Daniel Hornung, Dan Koski, Dennis Steinbrenner and  
Jim Brey  
2 - Greg Jagemann and Curtis Hall  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Adam Tegen, Kait Piazza, Jen Bartz  
Others Present: Brian Hutchinson, Penny Hutchinson  
Approval of the Minutes of the January 26, 2022 Plan Commission  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Hornung, that the Minutes of the January 26,  
2022 Meeting be approved as amended. The motion carried by the following  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 7-2022: Merrill: Rezone from B-1 Office Residential District to B-3  
General Business District for property located at 435 N 8th Street.  
P. Braun detailed the request and property location. He stated that the  
existing zoning is B-1 Office-Residential and then reviewed neighboring  
zoning districts. He stated that the applicant is Michael Merrill who  
indicated that he was approached by vendors of an existing retail use to  
relocate to the 435 N. 8th Street location. The current B-1 zoning district  
does not permit retail sales. The ability to allow retail sales is the reason for  
the B-3 General Business rezone. He went on to state that the 20-year  
future land use map shows this lot as central business district.  
P. Braun said that the difference between B-3 General Business & B-4  
Central Business districts is that B-3 requires off-street parking. He  
detailed the on-street parking available in the area of the property. He  
added that B-4 does not require off street parking. If the decision is to  
rezone at B-3, the site would be required to have 21 off-street spaces. He  
added that since the time he drafted the Plan Commission report he has  
thought that the B-4 Central Business district might be a more appropriate  
zoning classification because it is following what the Future Land Use map  
indicates. The B-4 zoning category would remove the need for the Plan  
Commission to waive the required 21 off-street parking spaces.  
P. Braun stated that property owners within 200' were contacted by mail  
and only one call was received. Denise Blashka, a neighboring salon  
owner had a concern that if retail would be allowed, people would park in  
their parking lot. He added that the salon indicated they do not want to be  
Chairman J. Nickels asked Commissioners for questions.  
D. Diedrich asked for clarification of the off-street parking requirement for  
the B-3 zoning district. He asked if they have room for two off-street  
spaces. P. Braun stated that they have space for four but they would need  
to be stacked. D. Diedrich stated that he agrees with B-4 recommendation.  
D. Hornung asked if there was concern about creating an "island" of the  
B-4 zoning category. P. Braun said he encouraged the applicant to talk to  
the property owner to the south for a more comprehensive rezone but that  
property owner does not want to rezone from B-1; their current zoning  
designation. P. Braun said he is not concerned with the "island" because  
the property is shown on the Future Land Use Map as Central Business  
District and the B-4 zoning category is a recommended zoning  
classification. B-4 is also located in the same block to the south.  
D. Steinbrenner asked about the property directly to the south. P. Braun  
stated that the property owner to the south is a hair salon with a residence  
on the second floor and the B-3 or B-4 disticts do not allow residential on  
the first floor. He stated that the Merrills will be moving out and are aware  
that residential is not allowed in the B-4 or B-3 zoning districts on the first  
floor. He stated that if the retail finds a different location, technically the  
applicant could stay as legal non-conforming use and would be  
grandfathered. He added that B-4 allows for residential on upper floors  
D. Hornung asked if the applicant moves out, can they move back in  
full-time after the zoning has changed. P. Braun clarified that the owner  
would need to move back in within 12 months to maintain the legal  
non-conforming status. He also added that he did inform the applicant that  
should something change prior to going to Council, the request could be  
pulled from that agenda and the process would stop.  
Chairman J. Nickels opened the meeting for public comments. There were  
no comments.  
P. Braun read the revised recommendation to approve the request to  
rezone the property at 435 N. 8th Street from B-1 Office-Residential to B-4  
Central Business not B-3 General Business.  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Steinbrenner, that the request to rezone the  
property at 435 N. 8th Street from B-1 Office-Residential to B-4 Central Business  
be approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 9-2022: Resolution Regarding a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to  
Modify the Map of Future Land Use for property generally located south of  
Viebahn and W. Viebahn Streets and being east and west of Hecker  
P. Braun stated that this is related to the rezone request that is next on the  
agenda. He stated that all annexed property receives a temporary zoning of  
R-1 Residential-Agricultural. The request is to amend the future land use  
map. He added that the City's goal for the property when purchased was  
for a future industrial park. He stated that the proposed area would be  
changed to industrial/office on future land use map making the Future Land  
Use Map and Zoning Map consistent with one another.  
He stated that notices were sent to property owners within 200' in both the  
City and in the Town. P. Braun shared that neighboring property owner  
Chuck Leiker called and had questions on the map and the boundary of the  
area. P. Braun said generally C. Leiker had no concerns.  
Chairman J. Nickels asked Commissioners for any questions. There were  
Chairman J. Nickels asked if there were any public comments.  
Brian Hutchinson, 4916 West Viebahn; stated that when it was originally  
purchased by the CIty, he thought it was planned residential and spoke with  
people who confirmed it would be as such. He asked what changed from  
the initial purchase to now. He added there was some confusion with the  
local newspaper indicating AMMO was locating to this site, but he later  
found out it was an error. He added that the noise from the City shooting  
range was a concern as well, but everything has been going well since the  
one issue. He said that making it all industrial is a concern and added that  
an air conditioner has been dumped on the property since the City took  
Chairman J. Nickels closed the public informational hearing.  
Chairman J. Nickels said the intended use has always been industrial. Ald.  
J. Brey added that the county has always known that it would be used for  
future industrial development. Conversation ensued as there appears to be  
misinformation throughout the entire process but the plan for the site has  
always been industrial.  
Chairman J. Nickels added that while it looks like a lot of property, there is  
a lot of wetland in this area as well.  
P. Braun added that there will be covenants for this location and the plan is  
to mirror the I-Tec Industrial Park with some small revisions.  
P. Braun read the recommendation to approve the Amendment to the 20  
Year Future Land Use Map and instruct the Mayor and Secretary to the  
Plan Commission to sign the Plan Commission Resolution.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Hornung, that the Amendment to the 20 Year  
Future Land Use Map be approved and referred to council. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 8-2022: City-Initiated Rezone from R-1 Residential-Agricultural to I-1  
Light Industrial for property generally located south of Viebahn and W.  
Viebahn Streets and being east and west of Hecker Road.  
P. Braun briefly explained the rezone request and stated that the proposed  
zoning district of I-1 Light is the same as the I-TEC industrial park. He said  
this discussion is related to the previous Plan Commission topic which was  
amending the Future Land Use Map.  
Chairman J. Nickels asked Commissioners for questions. There were  
Chairman J. Nickels asked for public comments. There were no comments.  
P. Braun read his recommendation to approve the change in zoning from  
R-1 Residential-Agricultural to I-1  
Light Industrial.  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Diedrich, that the Rezone from R-1  
Residential-Agricultural to I-1 Light Industrial be approved and referred to  
council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
25-2021: Project Update Barriers to Development  
P. Braun reviewed the communities surveyed and responses. He stated  
that 20 Northeast Wisconsin communities were contacted and asked to  
complete an on-line survey to see what subdivision standards they have  
and if they offer any financial assistance to developers. 9 communities  
responded to the survey.  
D. Hornung stated that the point that stuck out to him was the number of  
communities that permitted asphalt versus concrete. Conversation ensued  
around this topic. D. Koski added that most communities he has worked  
with have used asphalt, and that properly maintained asphalt will last a long  
D. Koski referred to articles provided and discussion ensued among  
Commissioners. P. Braun shared the League of Municipalities Zoning  
Guide to affordable housing and pulled some highlights from the new  
D. Hornung said that he recalls there are a lot of smaller lots on the south  
side. He added that the information seems to say that homes on  
substandard lots should be allowed. He suggested that there should be a  
way to make Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) acceptable on the same lot.  
D. Diedrich stated that providing financial incentives to help with  
development costs is an area to consider. He shared that one of his  
customers stated that some other communities in the area are now paying  
for some of the development costs.  
A. Tegen asked if Plan Commissioners are to the point where staff can  
bring forth ideas, recommendations and next steps.  
D. Diedrich asked about ongoing conversation with builders. A. Tegen said  
that staff has had initial conversations and will now follow up for expanded  
discussions with possible action items.  
This project update was discussed.  
PC 6-2022: Amendment to Chapter 15.310, C-1 Commercial District,  
regulating Mini-Warehouse and 15.370(2) regulating the Site Plan Letter of  
Credit and Performance Agreements.  
P. Braun explained the two changes which are contained in a single  
As item one, he said that mini-warehouses will still be allowed in I-1 & I-2  
industrial zoning districts, but the ordinance will remove them from the C-1  
Commercial District after issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.  
For item two, he explained that site plans require a letter of credit. He said  
that the City has never had to draw against one in 20 years. He said that  
large businesses have no issues completing the site plan conditions, but  
the small businesses have added costs and may not have the financial  
resources to obtain a letter of credit; it is an added cost they are not  
expecting. The proposed code amendment is that letter of credits will be  
requested if they ask for temporary occupancy permit but there are  
outstanding site plan conditions that still need to be completed. At that  
point, the city can require a letter of credit based on value of work to be  
completed; it would allow the business to open but the City has assurance  
that the site plan conditions will be completed. Typically unfinished items  
are related to landscaping, parking lot completion and storm water items  
which cannot be completed due to winter conditions. He added that this  
change would revert back to what was done 25 years ago.  
D. Hornung asked D. Diedrich if this is proper. D. Diedrich, from his  
experiences working with letter of credits agreed with the occupancy  
versus up front because it is a significant cost to issue. He added that he  
does have a concern with the language regarding percentage as the fee is  
based on the requirement. He added that there should be an expiration  
added and that every time it renews there should be a fee.  
D. Hornung asked what could be used other than a letter of credit. P. Braun  
clarified that new code section would allow any security instrument the city  
approves, which will allow for flexibility.  
D. Diedrich asked P. Braun if a temporary occupancy permit could be  
pulled if the remaining work is not completed. P. Braun clarified that it could  
be pulled or they could be cited. This would be a Community Development  
tool to enforce requirements that are not a building issue.  
D. Diedrich reiterated that there should be an expiration date in the letter of  
credit. Commissioners agreed that P. Braun should work with D. Diedrich  
on amended language for site plan letter of credit requirement.  
Moved by Steinbrenner, seconded by Diedrich, that the amendment to Chapter  
15.310, C-1 Commercial District, regulating Mini-Warehouse and 15.370(2)  
regulating the Site Plan Letter of Credit and Performance Agreements.be  
approved as amended and referred to council. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM): None  
C. Summary of Site Plans From January 20 - February 14, 2022: None  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Diedrich, that the Meeting be adjourned at 6:53 PM.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey