900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Finance Committee  
Thursday, November 2, 2023  
5:00 PM  
Council Chambers & Remotely (Via Zoom)  
1. Call to Order  
2. Roll Call  
4 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei and Czekala  
1 - Reckelberg  
3. Public Comment  
Finance Committee Chair Alderperson Brey declared the meeting open for public  
comment. In accordance with policy, the public comment portion of the meeting  
is not made part of the official record.  
4. Discussion and Action Items  
Discussion and possible action on City of Manitowoc's 2024 Budget  
Discussion of the proposed $1,500,000 allocated to various street projects for 2024.  
Alderperson Brey discussed the potential of reverting the 900 block of S 22nd  
Street back to two-way and would like to have a discussion with the owners of  
Grizzly's to get their views before pursuing.  
Alderperson Sitkiewitz announced that the Room Tax Commission had met  
earlier in the week and reviewed the budget as presented for the Tourism  
department (Visit Manitowoc) and they whole-heartedly endorsed the budget as  
presented. The Department will be fully funded by Room Tax dollars and the  
proceeds from the sale of the Visitor Information Center building. No Property  
Tax dollars will be used.  
Alderperson Sitkiewitz discussed the possible reconstruction of Michigan Avenue  
from N Rapids Road to Indian Bluff. Requested that Engineering Division  
Manager Greg Minikel get him some numbers on what that would cost.  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Czekala, that Item #3 on the Road Projects  
Suggestions list (Glenview Drive - Michigan Avenue to Seneca Lane) be  
approved for inclusion in the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget, at  
a cost of $180,000. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei and Czekala  
Moved by Czekala, seconded by Sitkiewitz, that Item #5 on the Road Projects  
Suggestions list (MacArthur Drive - Dale Street to 150' west of Meadow Court) be  
approved for inclusion in the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget, at  
a cost of $640,000. Sitkiewitz made a friendly amendment to include the $25,000  
for sewer work as well, for a total cost of $665,000. The amended motion carried  
by the following vote:  
4 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei and Czekala  
Alderperson Schlei asked why the recommended budget in the Data Processing  
department's Contractual Services section increased by over $300,000 from the  
2023 budget. Finance Director Shawn Alfred explained that after evaluating past  
budgets vs. actuals, in the past the budget has been low compared to what we  
saw in actual costs. These lines include the City's share of the MPU IT  
department's salaries, which may or may not increase as much as currently  
anticipated, as well as any of the City's IT Projects and software updates that are  
required for our Cyber Security Insurance.  
Alderperson Schlei asked why the recommended budget in the Forestry  
department's Contractual Services section is lower than what has already been  
spent as of mid-year 2023. Alderperson Schlei acknowledged that the higher  
costs this year may be due to do the Ash Tree issue. Director of Public  
Infrastructure Dan Koski explained that since the City approved additional  
Laborer positions, the City is now able to do a lot more of the work with City staff  
instead of contracting the work out.  
Alderperson Schlei asked why there is an approximate 11% increase in the  
Salaries and Wages-Regular line in the DPW-Non Allocated Labor department.  
Director of Public Infrastructure Koski and Finance Director Alfred explained that  
partially due to 2024 being a Leap Year, non-exempt labor hours will increase  
from a typical 2,080 hours to 2,096 hours for 2024. Also, many of the employees  
that are in this department's salary budget are either being increased to the  
5-year mark wage rate and/or receiving the 10-year bonus that was approved by  
Council. This also reflects the 2.5% increase that is being proposed for all  
Alderperson Sitkiewitz asked why the Consulting Contracts line under the  
Attorney department has gone from zero spend in 2022 to a recommended  
$46,200 budget for 2024. Mayor Nickels and Finance Director Alfred explained  
that this is due to the elimination of the Assistant City Attorney position and the  
City's intention to contract out for a prosecuting attorney. The increase in this line  
was offset by the decrease in the Salaries and Wages-Regular line.  
Alderperson Schlei noted that, as the Council Representative on the Rahr-West  
Art Museum's Board of Directors, he whole-heartedly supports the $290,000 in the  
budget for the repair/replacement of the leaking roof at the museum, as this  
building houses the City's investment of over $20,000,000 worth of valuable art.  
Alderperson Sitkiewitz stated that he has received limited feedback so far  
regarding the budget, but one constituent who reached out endorsed the  
repair/replacement of the Rahr-West Art Museum's roof, as well as the Marina  
Dock investment.  
Roll Call  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Finance Committee Chair Alderperson Brey welcomed Alderperson Reckelberg  
to the meeting and filled him in on what had been discussed and voted on thus  
Alderperson Reckelberg made several suggestions on how he would like to see  
the budget reduced in order to lower the Property Tax increase.  
5. Adjournment  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Czekala, that this meeting be adjourned.  
Finance Committee Chair Alderperson Brey announced that the next Finance  
Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 5:30 pm in  
the Common Council Chambers.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  