900 Quay Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220
City of Manitowoc
Meeting Agenda
Police and Fire Commission
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
4:30 PM
Public Safety Building Lower Level
Pursuant to Section 19.84(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby
given to the public, to the Herald-Times-Reporter, the official newspaper of
Manitowoc, and to those news media who have filed a written request for this notice
that a meeting of the above-referenced will be held at the date, time and location
listed above.
This meeting is being conducted both in the lower level meeting/training room at the
Public Safety Building and via Zoom to maximize opportunities for residents to
attend. Those attending the meeting via Zoom who wish to give public input are
asked to keep their microphone muted until public input is opened to improve audio
quality for all attendees. Those using their phone to call in may hit *6 to mute and
unmute themselves.
Members of the public may call to listen in at 888 475 4499 US Toll-free, Meeting ID:
857 4229 0785, Password:775896.
Those wishing to make public comment in advance of the meeting should email
anoworatzky@manitowoc.org or call 686-6559 with their comment no later than 3:00
p.m. Central the day of the meeting.
The above governmental body will meet to discuss and possibly take action on the
agenda items set forth below.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Consent Agenda