900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, December 15, 2021  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
The Meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order by Acting Chairman  
J. Brey at 6:00 PM.  
7 -  
Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Dave Diedrich, Daniel Hornung, Dan Koski, Dennis  
Steinbrenner and Jim Brey  
1 - Mayor Nickels  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Adam Tegen, Jen Bartz  
Approval of the Minutes of the October 27, 2021 Plan Commission meeting.  
Moved by Diedrich, Seconded by Koski, that the Minutes of the October 27, 2021  
meeting be approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 33-2020: Canam Trust / Glastonbury Holdings LLC / Evergreen Real  
Estate Group: Request for an Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit  
issued for an Adaptive Reuse pursuant to 15.370(29) located at 1127 &  
1133 S. 16th Street for the Establishment of a Senior Living Complex.  
P. Braun reviewed the project and amendment to the previously issued  
CUP. He stated that there was no change to CUP area, only one of the  
conditions would be amended. He said that during the design phase, it was  
determined that the turning radius inside the building was too tight for  
vehicles to park. He said that the internal parking will now be converted to  
five additional units.  
P. Braun shared that he reached out to the Police Department and that they  
did have concerns. He stated that they recommended razing the  
neighboring house to create additional off-street parking spaces.  
P. Braun stated that the Engineering Department has concerns with traffic  
flow and they recommend keeping an eye on the intersections and traffic  
patterns. They noted that a 4-way stop may be needed in the future.  
P. Braun shared that the neighbor notice went out on December 8th and  
one call was received from Glen Maki at 1132 S. 16th Street. P. Braun  
stated Mr. Maki's concerns regarding tenant green space, lack of off-street  
parking and that Mr. Maki was not being offered a fair offer on his  
residence; should the developer want to purchase for future parking. He  
stated that Mr. Maki does not want amendment to be approved.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked the Commissioners for questions.  
D. Steinbrenner asked if neighbors previously were concerned about lack  
of green space for the residents and if that was that part of original  
agreement. P. Braun stated that Mr. Maki's concern for lack of green space  
was for the residents and that the original proposal did not provide green  
D. Steinbrenner asked if there was an ordinance regarding off-street  
parking spaces for multi-family. P. Braun stated that the code requires a  
minimum number of off-street parking spaces for each zoning district but  
the adaptive reuse portion of the code gives the City flexibility to alter the  
number of off-street spaces to encourage the reuse of historical buildings  
which are difficult to redevelop.  
C. Hall added that street parking could be an issue for snow removal.  
D. Diedrich asked D. Koski for engineering concern. D. Koski said that the  
concerns are related to snow removal and traffic patterns. D. Diedrich  
added that this is great re-use of the property. D. Koski said that parking is  
a concern, but supported the Police Department's recommendation to raze  
the residence at 1133 S. 16th Street. He asked if there is anything that  
could make it a requirement if this becomes an issue down the road. P.  
Braun said that language in condition four will cover the concerns.  
P. Braun said senior housing is 1 space per 2 units.  
C. Hall added the senior housing is needed and people are looking for it  
D. Hornung asked how many parking spaces are off street. P. Braun  
indicated that there are 28-29 off street parking spaces. Discussion  
ensued regarding asking the developer to provide 35 off street spaces.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey opened the public hearing.  
Project Developer David Block said that materials provided showed that  
they have tried to include parking within building.The civil engineer showed  
that the existing column spacing in the building was not conducive for  
vehicles to manuever and with the age of the residents also being a  
concern. He went on to say that they could demolish the residence at  
1133 S. 16th Street but that will only increase parking by 5 or so spaces.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey closed the public comments.  
P. Braun read the revised condition and his recommendation of condition  
#4 amended as follows: " The maximum number of dwelling units at the  
1131 S. 16th Street building allowed is 80. Evergreen shall provide at least  
28 off-street parking spaces for the residents. Evergreen shall maintain at  
least a minimum of 1 off-street parking space per 3 dwelling units at the  
1131 S. 16th Street property. Evergreen shall work with the City and  
neighborhood to address any on-street parking, traffic or safety related  
issues caused by the residents from the Property."  
G. Jagemann asked if there was any concern with lighting. A. Tegen said  
that the condition is fairly standard.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey stated he is the Alderman representing this area  
and this is a great adaptive re-use of the property. He does share concerns  
about the parking. When the site was a business, on-street parking was  
not 24x7.  
C. Hall asked if there was way to control the need for parking. D. Diedrich  
asked if the building is on a bus route. P. Braun stated that the bus route is  
on Marshall Street, one block away.  
D. Block said that it's possible that by demolishing the 1133 S. 16th St  
structure, they may not get to 33 and there is no other land to put these  
parking spaces.  
D. Hornung made a motion to approve modifying condition #4 to 32  
off-street parking spaces shall be provided by Evergreen and strike the  
rest of the condition. Seconded by Diedrich.  
Motion by Hornung, seconded by Diedrich to approve the amended Amendment  
to the CUP and refer to Council. The Motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 1-2021: Lulloff, Quit Claim Deed for Pierce Drive  
Motion by Diedrich, seconded by Steinbrenner, to approve all three Quit Claim  
Deeds and refer to Council. The Motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 1-2021: Theis, Quit Claim Deed for Pierce Drive  
Motion by Diedrich, seconded by Steinbrenner, to approve and refer to Council.  
The Motion carried by the following vote:  
PC 1-2021: Sweeting, Quit Claim Deed for Pierce Drive  
Motion by Diedrich, seconded by Steinbrenner, to approve and refer to Council.  
The Motion carried by the following vote:  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM):  
1. Doneff Holdings, LLC; NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 Section 8, T19N, R24E, City of Manitowoc  
2. Kortens Irrevocable Trust; NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Section 36, T20N, R23E Town of Kossuth  
3. Allen Fager; NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 Section 36, T19N, R23E City of Manitowoc  
C. Summary of Site Plans:  
1. SP 19-2021, Manitowoc Auto Repair, 3,600sf Auto Repair Facility  
2. SP 20-2021, Color Craft Graphic Arts, Parking Lot Addition  
Moved by Koski, seconded by Diedrich, that this Meeting be adjourned at 6:27  
PM. The Motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey