900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Public Infrastructure Committee  
Wednesday, May 1, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers - And remote via Zoom  
1. Call to Order  
Chairman Cummings called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
2. Roll Call  
Staff Present: D. Koski, G. Minikel, S. Birr, C. Hall, B. Wetenkamp, A. Tegen  
Others Present: Allan Brixius, Josh & Makayla Wildenhoeft  
3. Public Comment  
4. Presentations  
5. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of the Minutes from the April 3rd, 2024 Public Infrastructure  
Committee Meeting  
A motion was made by Tim Boldt, seconded by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg,  
that the Minutes from the April 3, 2024 Public Infrastructure were approved.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
Committee on Aging Agenda for May 2024  
This Communication was approved  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
6. Discussion and Action Items  
Request from a constituent to consider enforcing parking ban on alternate  
sides of the street during the Street Sweeping season.  
Josh Wildenhoeft, 3307 Division Street, was present to discuss the Street  
Sweeping Parking Ban. He is having an issue with parking 4 vehicles and a  
boat at the property he is currently renting. He said the City of Sheboygan  
alternates their plow operations with even days/even house numbers, odd  
days/add house numbers. He would like to be able to park on different sides of  
the street on different days to help him with the issue of having to move 4  
vehicles off the street.  
Billy Hutterer, Operations Manager, was present to discuss the street sweeping  
operations. Alternative street sweeping discussions occurred in the past and  
the way we are currently sweeping is more efficient and timely.  
Snow plowing and street sweeping are 2 completely different operations. It  
would be in the best interest of the City to not make any changes at this time.  
The Committee agreed that making any changes at this time would cost the  
City taxpayers more money and the service would be less efficient.  
G. Minikel explained that the Stormwater Mandate requires the City to provide  
the vacuum sweeper and parking ban.  
This Request was placed on file within Engineering Department.  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
IRA Urban Forestry Grant Resolution  
D. Koski explained that we are looking for approval on the Resolution to apply  
for WI DNR sponsored Inflation Reduction Act Urban Forestry Grant for tree  
planting throughout the City of Manitowoc. The grant funding request is  
$300,000 with no match requirements.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Tim Boldt, to  
work with City Attorney to amend language in Resolution to apply and accept if  
awarded amend budget accordingly. Amended Resolution to be accepted and  
referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
City Facility Usage and Maintenance Agreement Between City of  
Manitowoc and Roncalli Catholic Schools, recommending approving with  
removal of sentence by City Attorney to remove "The City will place these  
funds in a designated account for the maintenance of facilities used by  
RCS. This will be removed for Council  
D. Koski informed the Committtee of the City Facility Usage and Maintenance  
Agreement between the City and Roncalli Catholic School. The Agreement is to  
reserve the fields and providing inkind work.  
The City Attorney will be removing a sentence under 1. Payment, "The City will  
place these funds in a designated account for the maintenance of facilities used  
by RCS". This sentence will be removed from Agreement going to Council.  
A motion was made by Tim Boldt, seconded by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, that  
the City Facility Usage and Maintenance Agreement between the City and  
Roncalli was approved for consent agenda and noted that the City Attorney will  
be removing language referring City to designate funds to an account for  
maintenance used by Roncalli. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
Agreement with CN Railroad for Track Removal on N. 18th & Michigan  
Avenue, recommending approval  
G. Minikel explained to the Committee that there is a new project manager with  
the Railroad that is requiring an agreement in place for removal of track on N.  
18th and Michigan Avenue. This agreement states that if the tracks would need  
to go back in the future, the city would be responsible to pay half. The City  
Attorney has reviewed the agreement.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Chad Beeman,  
that the Agreement with CN Railroad for track removal on N. 18th & Michigan  
Avenue was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
South 19th Street Pumping Station Rehabilitation Amendment #1 for Task  
Order 22-04, recommending approval  
G. Minikel explained that we are looking to hire Strand & Associates for Design  
and Construction related services for the S. 19th Street lift station. The City will  
have an inspector for the project.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Chad Beeman,  
that the Agreement with Strand for S. 19th Pumping Station Rehabilitation was  
approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
Resolution - Levy Special Assessments for Sanitary Sewer Extension and  
Grading & Graveling on Summit Street and South 19th Street (Popp Sub'd  
G. Minikel explained to the Committee that this is Statutory mandated for  
assessment procedures. The public meeting will be held on June 5, 2024 to  
invite abutting property owners to attend.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Tim Boldt, that  
the Resolution to levy Special Assessments for Sanitary Sewer Extension and  
Grading and Graveling on Summit Street and South 19th Street (Popp Sub 4) was  
approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
State Highway 42 Reconstruction Project (Washington Street & Calumet  
Adam Tegen was present to discuss the reconstruction of STH 42 and on  
street parking. The City is responsible for sidewalk, parking lanes and asthetic  
improvements. Parking lanes located on a portion of the State Highway 42 will  
cost the City to remain. Community Development staff visited businesses  
along this corridor to discuss parking. Many of the businesses do either have a  
small parking lot, or corner street businesses with side street parking. The area  
in discussion is S. 16th to S. 26th Streets.  
There will be 2 lanes of traffic with a center turn lane.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Chad Beeman,  
for approval to not allow parking in the area on Washington Street between S.  
16th Street and S. 26th Street with the State Highway 42 Reconstruction Project.  
The Request was approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
7. Previously Tabled Items  
PC 1-2024: Request for a Gas Easement; Wisconsin Public Service  
Corporation, parts of Lots 9 and 10, Block 175 Original Plat. (Parcel #  
000-175-100), recommending approval based on Engineering review  
G. Minkel gave the ok to move forward with the revised easement.  
A motion was made by Tim Boldt, seconded by Chad Beeman, that the Easement  
submitted by Wisconsin Public Service was approved for consent agenda, based  
on Engineering review. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
Park Rules Ordinance Review and Update - 8.230 Regulation of Parks and  
Related Facilities  
B. Wetenkamp informed the Committee that this Ordinance has been update  
and is ready for final approval.  
T. Reckelberg would like to see the sentence under Item #13 revised. He said it  
was too long and wordy.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Chad Beeman,  
that the Park Rules Ordinance was approved and referred to council. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  
8. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Tim Boldt, seconded by Chad Beeman, that the Meeting  
was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets  