900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Agenda  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, September 27, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
Pursuant to Section 19.84(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given to the  
public, to the Herald-Times-Reporter, the official newspaper of Manitowoc, and to those news  
media who have filed a written request for this notice that a meeting of the above-referenced will  
be held at the date, time and location listed above.  
This meeting is being conducted both in Council Chambers at City Hall and via Zoom to maximize  
opportunities for residents to attend. Those attending the meeting via Zoom who wish to give  
public input are asked to keep their microphone muted until public input is opened to improve  
audio quality for all attendees. Those using their phone to call in may hit *6 to mute and unmute  
themselves. Members of the public may call to listen in at 1-888-475-4499, Meeting ID: 859 5268  
5075, Password: 807023.  
Approval of Minutes of the August 23, 2023 Plan Commission meeting.  
PC 18-2023: Lotus Recovery Homes, Inc; Request for a Conditional Use  
Permit for the Operation of Transitional Housing at 419 Park Street  
pursuant to 15.150(3)l.  
PC 20-2023: Schardt Electric LLC / Barry Schardt: Petition to Rezone  
Property Located at 2832 Custer Street from B-3 General Business to  
I-1 Light Industrial.  
PC 19-2023: Discussion Regarding Amendment to Chapter 15 Related  
to Accessory Dwelling Units.  
Discussion regarding zoning code re-write request for proposal  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM):  
i. Sopa; Tract 8 of a CSM Vol 27, Page 384; Tract 4 of a CSM Vol 7, Page 341 & Part of Tract  
3 of a CSM Vol 7, Page 97 all in NW 1/4, SW 1/4 Section 5, T19N, R24E Town of Manitowoc  
ii. Fischer/Welch/House of Bricks LLC; Tract 1 of a CSM Vol 15, Page 173 & part of SW 1/4 of  
the SE 1/4 Section 11, T18N, R23E, Town of Newton  
C. Summary of Site Plans from August 16 - September 21, 2023: None  
D. November and December Plan Commission Meeting Dates  
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the  
City of Manitowoc will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of  
disability in its services, programs, or activities. If you need assistance or reasonable  
accommodations in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the  
ADA, please call the City Clerk's office at 920-686-6950 or the City’s ADA Coordinator at (920)  
686-6990 or e-mail cityattorney@manitowoc.org at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting  
or event to request an accommodation. For additional assistance, individuals with hearing or  
speech disabilities can call 711 and be connected to a telephone relay system.  
Respectfully Submitted,  
Paul Braun  
CAUTION TO PLAN COMMISSIONERS: The documents attached to this agenda are for your  
review in preparation for the City Plan Commission meeting to be held on the above date. Any  
discussion or communication between members of the Plan Commission by any means prior to  
the Commission meeting regarding these documents may be a violation of the open meeting laws.