900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, May 25, 2022  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
The meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman J.  
Nickels at 6:05pm.  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Dave Diedrich, Daniel Hornung, Dan  
Koski, Dennis Steinbrenner and Jim Brey  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Adam Tegen, Jen Bartz  
Others Present: Allie Gallenberger, Gary Underwood, Tammi Henning, Carmen Persaud, Joseph  
Brown, Dan Bertler, Guntis Dredzels  
Approval of Minutes of the April 27, 2022 Plan Commission meeting.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Hornung, that the Minutes be approved as  
amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 15-2022: Cream Community Development, LLC: Request for a Conditional  
Use Permit for an Adaptive Reuse pursuant to 15.370(29) located at 1127 &  
1133 S. 16th Street.  
P. Braun reviewed the location and project and zoning. He added that the  
project is similar to the project brought forth in 2021 where the project was  
withdrawn before it was approved by Common Council.  
He stated that the project is a planned 80-unit senior living property. He  
continued to provide additional background of adaptive reuse and parking  
P. Braun stated that both the Manitowoc Police Department and  
Engineering Department were contacted and the concerns from both is  
related to parking spots and the possible need to add a stop sign at an  
P. Braun stated the applicant held a neighbor outreach meeting, but was  
unaware of attendance. He added that notices were sent to adjacent &  
abutting properties and the only call received requested contact information  
for their alderman.  
Chairman J. Nickels asked the Commissioners for questions.  
Chairman J. Nickels asked how difficult it would be to add four-way stop. D.  
Koski said the location would need to be monitored and a  
recommendation would be made before installation.  
G. Jagemann asked if there are any major differences from previous  
Chairman J. Nickels opened the public hearing.  
Dan Bertler, applicant, said he currently lives in Fitchburg WI but was born  
and raised in Manitowoc. He shared that his son-in-law's mentor is Tim  
Martinez who is the current owner. He commented on the beautiful area in  
the City and stated that because the previous project application did so  
much work, there would only be small changes if approved. He shared that  
there were two individuals in attendance at the community meeting and  
both were in support of the project. He added that it's possible they will add  
in a coffee shop/convenience store for residents.  
Chairman J. Nickels closed the public hearing.  
P. Braun stated that the Community Development Department  
recommends approval of an Adaptive Reuse Conditional Use Permit for  
property located at 1127 & 1133 S. 16th Street for the establishment of an  
80-unit senior living facility.  
Ald. J. Brey said that he has received concerns from constituents regarding  
parking, but it can be monitored. He added that the reuse will be good for  
the community and he will support.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Hall, that the request for a Conditional Use  
Permit for an Adaptive Reuse pursuant to 15.370(29) located at 1127 & 1133 S.  
16th Street be approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 16-2022: Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry: Petition to Rezone from R-6  
Multiple Family to I-2 Heavy Industrial. SW Corner of S 16th and Clark  
P. Braun reviewed the location of rezone request from R-6 to I-2, as well as  
the neighboring districts. He stated that the 20-year land use map shows  
as urban neighborhood and the rezone would be consistent with the future  
land use map. He added that the property is vacant and undeveloped.  
P. Braun stated that notices were mailed to property owners within 200'  
and that no calls or comments were received.  
Chairman J. Nickels asked the Commissions for questions.  
Ald. J. Brey asked if a site plan has been submitted. P. Braun said that they  
are in the early stages of design and none have been submitted.  
Chairman J. Nickels opened the public hearing. There were comments.  
P. Braun said that Community Development recommends approval of the  
petition to rezone the subject property from R-6 Multiple Family to I-2 Heavy  
Moved by Jagemann, seconded by Koski, that the Petition to Rezone from R-6  
Multiple Family to I-2 Heavy Industrial be approved and referred to council. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 17-2022: Core Treatment: Request for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to  
15.150(3)f located at 5005 Vista Road for the establishment of a 20-bed  
Community Based Residential Facility.  
P. Braun reviewed the location and request. He said that Core Treatment  
Services will be entering in an offer to purchase from current owner. The  
current use is a CBRF for the aging population and those with dementia.  
Future use will be an additional location for Core Treatment Services, who  
is already licensed by the State of WI DHS.  
P. Braun said that letters were sent to adjacent and abutting property  
owners. Only one call was received from Perry Suszek & Paul read his  
comments related to general neighborhood concerns.  
P. Braun said that he contacted both the Police and Fire Departments and  
there were no concerns. The Police Department did say that any calls  
received are related to Core clients and not the neighborhood.  
Chairman J. Nickels asked the Commissioners for questions.  
Chairman J. Nickels opened the public hearing.  
Carman Persaud, co-executive director of Core Treatment briefly shared  
the Core Treatment Services overview and added they have filled a gap in  
the community. She shared that they served over 400 people in 2021. She  
added that Core has a wait list of over 60 individuals and they are growing  
due to need. She said that they have been looking for the right location and  
believe this is it.  
Chairman J. Nickels closed the public hearing.  
P. Braun said that Community Development recommends approval of a  
Conditional Use Permit to Core Treatment Services Inc. for up to 20  
individuals for the establishment of a Community Based Residential  
Facility located at 5005 Vista Road.  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Hornung, that the Request for a Conditional Use  
Permit pursuant to 15.150(3)f located at 5005 Vista Road for the establishment of a  
20-bed Community Based Residential Facility be approved and referred to  
council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM):  
1. John and Barbara Vogel; Resurvey of CSM recorded in Vol 8, Page 679 SW 1/4 of the SE  
1/4, Section 11 T19N R23E, City of Manitowoc  
2. City of Manitowoc; Lot 1 & 2, Block 4 and I-43 Industrial Park Subdivision No. 2 & Lots 3 & 4,  
Block 4 I-43 Industrial Park Subdivision No. 3 Section 34 T19N, R23E, City of Manitowoc  
C. Summary of Site Plans:  
1. SP 3-2022 Setzer Properties (FedEx), New Building, 2434 South 39th Street  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Jagemann, that this meeting be adjourned at  
6:40pm. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey