Fire Rescue Department-Request for Updates to Paramedic Hiring Process
Chief Blaser explained to the committee that the City will use the funds
saved by not paying Paramedic premiums to new hires that do not have
that licensure upon hire, to send the new hire to school to attain the
Paramedic license with a payback clause if employment is ended within 5
years. There will be a new policy developed for the December 16, 2024
Council meeting.
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Brey, to approve the request to develop a
policy related to Paramedic licensure training and refer to council. The motion
carried by the following vote:
5 - Sitkiewitz, Brey, Schlei, Norell and Vanderkin
Request for a Resolution for a Conditional Offer of Employment for a
Firefighter/Paramedic Related to Elected Officials, Department Heads, or
Supervisory Personnel
Human Resources Director Jessie Lillibridge explained to the committee
that this candidate is related to a supervisor of the Fire Rescue
Department and therefore, needs approval per our policy.
Moved by Brey, seconded by Vanderkin, that this request for a resolution for a
conditional offer of employment for a Firefighter/Paramedic related to an elected
official, department head, or supervisory personnel be approved and referred to
council. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Sitkiewitz, Brey, Schlei, Norell and Vanderkin
Discussion on Changes to the City of Manitowoc Compensation Plan
Mayor Nickels explained to the committee that after this was brought
forward at the last meeting, he worked with the Human Resources Director,
Jessie Lillibridge, and the City Attorney, Eric Nycz, to update the language
in the current compensation plan. The changes allow more flexibility to
utilize more than just survey data to determine increases. There was some
discussion on the item including adding some language to include
information from exit interviews that is pertinent or trending. The Mayor,
Human Resources Director, and City Attorney will update the
compensation plan as advised and bring the update to the next Personnel
Committee meeting.
Employee Policy Manual Language Update-December, 2024
Human Resources Director Jessie Lillibridge gave an overview of the three
changes to the Employee Policy Manual to the committee.
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Schlei, that this request to update the
Employee Policy Manual language be approved and referred to council. The
motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Sitkiewitz, Brey, Schlei, Norell and Vanderkin
6. Convene in Closed Session