900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Agenda  
Common Council  
Monday, May 16, 2022  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Note: This meeting will also be held via Remote  
Conferencing Software (Zoom)  
Pursuant to Section 19.84(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given to the public,  
to the Herald-Times-Reporter, the official newspaper of Manitowoc, and to those news media who  
have filed a written request for this notice that a meeting of the above-referenced will be held at the  
date, time and location listed above.  
This meeting is being conducted both in Council Chambers at City Hall and via Zoom to maximize  
opportunities for residents to attend. Those attending the meeting via Zoom who wish to give public  
input are asked to keep their microphone muted until public input is opened to improve audio quality  
for all attendees. Those using their phone to call in may hit *6 to mute and unmute themselves.  
Members of the public may call to listen in at 888 475 4499 US Toll-free, Meeting ID: 893 9628 6649  
Password: 669106.  
Public input will be accepted at the meeting. Those wishing to make public comment in advance of  
the meeting should email abaryenbruch@manitowoc.org or call 920-686-6952 with their comment  
no later than 12:00 p.m. central the day of the meeting. Emailed public input will be attached to the  
agenda and made part of the public record.  
The above governmental body will meet to discuss and possibly take action on the agenda items  
set forth below.  
Manitowoc Fire Rescue Department Badge Pinning for Promotions  
City Clerk administers Oath of Office and badge pinning of Lieutenant Cooper  
City Clerk administers Oath of Office and badge pinning of Detective Eric  
Proclamation declaring the week of May 15th - 21st, 2022 as National Police  
Week and May 15, 2022 as Peace Officers' Memorial Day  
Proclamation declaring the month of May 2022 as Mental Health Awareness  
Presentation from Jamie Zastrow with Progress Lakeshore  
6:31 PM - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing any and all interested  
parties in the matter of a proposed change in zone from R-4 Single and Two  
Family Residential to B-3 General Business for property located 2500  
Washington Street and 900 Block of S 25th & 26th Streets  
Members of the public will be permitted to speak at the Common Council meeting each  
month on any matter of public interest. The comments from each speaker shall be  
limited to five minutes in length unless extended by action of the Common Council.  
Mayor makes the following appointments: Rahr-West Art Museum Board - Joe  
Cibulka (term: expires 6/1/2025); Rahr-West Art Museum Board - Cassie  
LaPean (term: expires 6/1/2023); Capital Allocation Working Group (CAWG) -  
Adam Tegen, Nick Reimer, Todd Blaser, Greg Vadney, Dan Koski, JJ Walvoord  
(term expires 5/30/2024)  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any member of the Council wishes to  
remove an item for discussion.  
1. Removal of Consent Agenda Items  
Any Common Council Member may request removal of any item from the consent  
agenda, and such item shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof  
removed from the consent agenda shall be separately considered.  
2. Miscellaneous  
Minutes of April 18, 2022 Common Council meeting, recommending approval  
and place on file  
Minutes of April 19, 2022 Common Council Organizational Session,  
recommending approval and place on file  
Resignation from RJ Skrepenski effective immediately; recommending  
acceptance and place on file  
3. Committee of the Whole (Consent)  
Report of Special Events Committee relative to approval of the following events:  
Waiver of Fees: Advanced Placement Testing on 5/2-5/11/2022; Stake Permit:  
Birthday Party on 5/7/2022; 8th Grade Farewell on 6/8/2022; End of Year Picnic  
on 5/23/2022; Lighthouse Tour on 7/4/2022; Residential Block Party - 1000 blk  
of Summit St.; Silver Cup XXII Disc Golf Tournament on 7/16-7/17 (Amateurs) &  
8/4-8/7 (Pros); recommending acceptance of report and place on file  
4. Finance Committee (Consent)  
1st Qtr 2022 Budget Exception Report, recommend to accept and place on file.  
1st Qtr 2022 Investment Reconciliation Report, recommend to accept and  
place on file.  
1st Qtr 2022 Claims report from City Attorney. recommend to accept and place  
on file.  
Statement of the Board of Canvassers relative to the April 5, 2022 Spring  
Election for Alderpersons in Districts 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, recommend to accept and  
place on file.  
Capital Asset Working Group (CAWG) Membership Appointment, recommend  
to accept and place on file.  
Memorandum of Agreement for Weights and Measures Inspection, recommend  
to approve the memorandum of agreement.  
Approval to engage a recruitment firm to assist with hiring of department head  
vacancies, recommend to approve the request.  
General City Claims in the amount of $2,295,072.52 enumerated on list thereof,  
recommending that the claims be allowed and ordered paid and Mayor, Clerk  
and Finance Director/Treasurer are instructed to issue the necessary order.  
Report of Finance Committee to grant the various licenses subject to  
approvals, inspections, insurance, payment of license fees and meeting State  
statute requirements, as detailed therein  
5. Personnel Committee (Consent)  
6. Public Infrastructure Committee (Consent)  
Professional Services for Mountain Lion Exhibit Concept Design with Ayres  
Associates, recommending to enter into the agreement.  
Request from the Army Corps of Engineers for permission for Ingress/Egress  
Access to Manitowoc Harbor, recommending approval  
Request from American Red Cross for waiver of fees for blood drive at  
Manitowoc Senior Center; recommending approval  
Report of Board of Public Works of 4/20/2022, of bids received for 2022  
Concrete Intersection Reconstruction - Cleveland Ave. at Maritime Dr,  
WS-22-12; recommending awarding to low bidder, Vinton Construction Co., in  
the amount of $89,371.36  
Report of Board of Public Works of 4/20/2022, of bids received for 2022  
Asphaltic Concrete Paving II - S 7th St. - Franklin to Madison St., WS-22-14;  
recommending awarding to low bidder, Vinton Construction Co., in the amount  
of $1,081,881.19  
Report of Board of Public Works of 4/20/2022 of approval to enter into  
AGMT-22-05 with RasieRite for Maritime Drive Bridge to Fill Voids for a contract  
price of $17,280.00; recommending acceptance of report and place on file  
Report of Board of Public Works of 5/4/2022 of approval to enter into  
AGMT-22-10 with Fortress Fence for Halvorsen Dog Park - New Entrance  
Fence for a contract price of $7,140.00; recommending acceptance of report  
and place on file  
Report of Board of Public Works of 5/4/2022 of approval to enter into agreement  
with Cretton Enterprises for 2022-2024 Flower Maintenance & Weed Control in  
various areas throughout the City of Manitowoc for a contract price of  
$17,650.48 for 2022; $17,248.65 for 2023; and $17,918.65 for 2024;  
recommending acceptance of report and place on file  
Report of Board of Public Works of approval to rescind the snow shoveling  
assessment for property located at 955 N. 6th Street; recommending  
acceptance of report and place on file  
Report of Board of Public Works of 5/9/2022, of bids received for Boat Dock  
Fender System, WO-22-19, recommending awarding to low bidder McMullen &  
Pitz Construction Co., in the amount of $68,050.00  
Report of Board of Public Works of bids received for Auto Lock Installation at  
Park Restroom Facilities, WB-22-17R; recommending awarding base bid and  
alternate 2.A to low bidder, LaForce Inc, in the amount of $42,476.00  
Report of Board of Public Works of 3/9/2022 of bids received for 2022 Concrete  
Slab Replacement Program, WS-22-11, recommending awarding to low bidder,  
Vinton Construction Company, in the amount of $136,353.44  
Report of Board of Public Works of 5/4/2022 for 2nd and final payment of  
$9,817.09 to Green Bay Pipe & TV for 2022 Televising Miscellaneous Sewers I,  
WU-22-5; recommending payment  
7. Public Safety Committee (Consent)  
8. Plan Commission (Consent)  
1. Committee of the Whole  
Proposal from Herald Times Reporter to publish Council proceedings, legal  
notices, display ads and ordinances, for the contract year beginning June 1,  
Report of Special Event Committee recommending approval for the following  
events subject to Council action: Graduation on 6/10/2022 (Street Closures: S  
9th from Columbus to Green Sts. and S 8th South of Columbus St.); Acoustic  
Fest on 7/16/2022 (Waiver of rules prohibiting alcohol in the park; no parking on  
a portion of the east side of S 12th St. between Washington & Marshall Sts.);  
Sputnikfest on 9/10/2022 (Street closures of Park St. from N 7th to N 9th & N  
8th Street from State Street to St. Claire & no parking on one side of N 9th from  
State Street to St. Claire Street.); Maritime Bay Classic on 6/19/2022 (Street  
closures: Maritime Dr. from N 8th to N 6th; Chicago from N 8th to N 5th; Buffalo  
from N 5th to N 6th; N 6th from Maritime to Buffalo; N 8th from Maritime to  
Chicago; & York from N 7th to N 8th  
2. Finance Committee  
Report of the Industrial Development Corporation of the relocation of Private  
Contractor Storage Yard to the Hecker/Viebahn Industrial Park  
3. Personnel Committee  
Resolution to change Job Title from Destination Marketing Manager to  
Destination Sales & Marketing Manager in the Tourism Department  
Resolution to Hire Seasonal Employees Related to Elected Officials,  
Department Heads, or Supervisory Personnel  
Resolution to approve the revised City Social Media Policy Guidelines and  
4. Public Infrastructure Committee  
Inter-Municipal Agreement with the Town of Manitowoc, Town of Newton,  
Manitowoc Public Utilities and the City of Manitowoc for Water Service  
Ordinance to amend section 14.575 of the MMC regulating Sexual Offender  
Residency Restrictions.  
Task Order with Strand Associates for Stormwater Hydrology and Hydraulics  
Proposed Changes to the Cemetery Rules & Regulations  
Resolution from Manitowoc Public Utilities for Ornamental Lighting at River  
Point Development  
Permanent Utility Easement located on Jenny Road between Cimarron Court  
and South 19th Street for placement of watermain utilities  
Request to award Alternate #2 at a cost of $258,168.80 with a completion date  
of 11/18/2022 for River Point Development, Phase 1, WS-21-15  
5. Public Safety Committee  
Ordinance to amend section 10.730 regulating Angle Parking within the  
downtown areas of Chicago, Buffalo, York and Washington Streets  
Resolution to amend the Building Inspection Fee Schedule for Sign Permits  
6. Plan Commission  
Ordinance to rezone property located at 2500 Washington Street and 900 Block  
of S. 25th & S 26th Streets  
1.Next Scheduled Common Council Meeting: Monday, June 20, 2022 at 6:30pm in the  
Common Council Chambers at City Hall.  
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the City  
of Manitowoc will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of  
disability in its services, programs, or activities. If you need assistance or reasonable  
accommodations in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the  
ADA, please call the City Clerk's office at 920-686-6950 or the City’s ADA Coordinator at (920)  
686-6990 or e-mail cityattorney@manitowoc.org at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting or  
event to request an accommodation. For additional assistance, individuals with hearing or speech  
disabilities can call 711 and be connected to a telephone relay system.  
Mackenzie Reed-Kadow  
City Clerk