900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Public Infrastructure Committee  
Wednesday, March 1, 2023  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
1. Call to Order  
Meeting was called to order at 5:30 by Chairman Cummings  
2. Roll Call  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
1 - Beeman  
Staff Present: D. Koski, G. Minikel, S. Birr, C. Hall, B. Wetenkamp, A. Deringer  
Others Present: Nick Groetzmacher, Joe Euclide, Pam Gates, Lauren Her,  
Robert Popp, Desiree Wierman  
3. Public Comment  
4. Presentations  
Stormwater Hydrology and Hydraulics Study Presentation by Strand  
Mike Williams was present from Strand Associates to present the Stormwater  
Hydrology & Hydraulics Study.  
They have generated a stormwater plan with the City Engineering Department.  
This plan includes:  
Flood Problems areas  
Existing condition model and calibration  
Alternative Analysis  
Recommended Alternative  
Presentation by Vandewalle & Associates Inc.  
B. Wetenkamp introduced Ben Rohr from Vandewalle & Associates. Ben Rohr  
is assisting the City with updates for the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation  
Plan (Corp) and will be looking for a recommendation for adoption in April.  
5. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of the Minutes from the February 1st, 2023 Public  
Infrastructure Committee Meeting  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Minutes from the February 1st, 2023 meeting were  
approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
6. Discussion and Action Items  
CORP Final Draft Review and Recommendation for Adoption,  
recommending adopting  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, to recommend Adoption of the CORP Final Draft Review for Consent  
agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
Stormwater Hydrology and Hydraulics Study Recommendation,  
recommending including in the 2024 budget request  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Alderperson  
Tim Boldt, to recommend placement in the 2024 budget for consent agenda. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
2022 Annual MS4 Permit, recommending approval  
2022 Stormwater accomplishments that are required to be submitted to the  
DNR by the end of March  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Annual MS4 Report was placed on file for Consent Agenda.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
2023 Aquatic Center Update  
C. Hall was present to update the Committee on the Aquatic Center and events  
and updates on policy changes.  
There was a change to age restriction requirements for the upcoming season.  
J. Brey asked if hiring staff was still an issue. C. Hall said there are operational  
issues as we aren't able to staff to the capacity that we would like. Staffing  
limits what can be done and we are struggling to staff on weekends.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Update Report was placed on file within the Engineering  
Department. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
Proposed construction of South 19th Street - Summit to Flambeau Street  
and Summit Street South 18th to 150 feet west of South 19th Street,  
recommending approval for 2024 budget request  
Bob Popp from Popp Builders was present and discussed the construction of  
S. 19th Street that would create 19 lots for building single family and/or two  
family houses. The storm sewer is in already.  
G. Minikel said we would be looking to budget for 2024.  
A motion was made by Alderperson Tim Boldt, seconded by Vice Chair Jim Brey,  
that the Request to place on 2024 budget request was approved for consent  
agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
Enterprise buyout of Lease for Vehicle #5 Promaster Dodge Van,  
recommending buying out of lease program  
D. Koski recommended buying the Engineering Van out from the lease, and will  
be covered in savings from lease program.  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Alderperson  
Tim Boldt, that the Request to buyout the lease for the Engineering Van was  
approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
Request for Approval to purchase fireplace for Senior Center Lobby not to  
Exceed $700, recommending approval  
C. Hall explained that the donation funds are restricted and approval is required.  
The Senior Center is looking to purchase a fireplace for the lobby for ambiance  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Alderperson  
Tim Boldt, that the Request to purchase a fireplace using Senior Center  
Donataions for the Senior Center Lobby was approved for consent agenda, not to  
exceed $700. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
Ordinance to permit the sale of fermented malt beverages in City Parks  
C. Hall explained events are being planned and are looking to sell fermented  
malt beverages in City parks.  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Vice Chair Jim  
Brey, that the Ordinance to permit the sale of fermented malt beverages in City  
Parks was approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the following  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
Request for approval to purchase materials for new Nocturnal Sugar Glider  
Exhibit at Lincoln Park Zoo from Donation Tube, not to exceed $1k  
C. Hall explained that last year we acquired a sugar glider as a donation. The  
Zoo is looking to install a shaded glass and purchase equipment so the sugar  
gliders can be viewed throughout the day.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, to purchase materials for Sugar Glider Exhibit at Lincoln Park Zoo from  
the Zoo Donation Tube, not to exceed $1K, was approved for consent agenda.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  
7. Previously Tabled Items  
Mill Road Bridge Conditions and Future Plans  
G. Minikel explained that this is in the process of being reviewed. He has  
previously spoken with the DNR, Manitowoc County and the Town of Rapids.  
The Committee recommended bringing back at a later date.  
8. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
4 - Cummings, Brey, Czekala and Boldt  