900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Personnel Committee  
Monday, June 5, 2023  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via Remote  
1. Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
Jessie Lillibridge, Dan Koski, Nick Reimer, Todd Blaser, Eric Nycz,  
Debbie Charney, and Pam Wimmer  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
3. Public Comment  
4. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Kaderabek, to accept the Consent Agenda  
Items and recommendations of the various committees The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
5. Discussion and Action Items  
Human Resources Director, Jessie Lillibridge, stated that the Fire Rescue  
Administrative Assistant job description was created in 2014 based on  
qualifications of the employee who held the position at that time. She also  
explained that this is the only Administrative Assistant position in Grade G,  
while all the other Administrative Assistants are in Grade H and that her job  
duties no longer align with the job description.  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Vanderkin, to approve the request to reclassify the  
Fire Rescue Administrative Assistant position on the Compensation Plan  
Structure and refer to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
6. Convene in Closed Session  
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Kaderabek, to convene in closed session at  
5:35 p.m. The motion carried by the following roll vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during  
the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the  
governmental body to convene in closed session for the purpose of considering employment,  
promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the  
governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:.  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during  
the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the  
governmental body to convene in closed session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the  
purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public  
business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
Police Contract Bargaining 2024-2026  
(Closed Session portion of the Minutes has been redacted.)  
7. Reconvene in Open Session  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Vanderkin, to reconvene in open session at 6:02  
p.m.. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
Police Contract Bargaining 2024-2026  
There was no discussion on this item  
Human Resources Director, Jessie Lillibridge, explained last few offers for  
this position were turned down due to the current pay rate of $9.40. Also  
mentioned was that some of the seasonal employees receive a higher rate  
than the current Rahr-West Art Museum Visitor Service Clerks. Moving  
current employees to pay rate $11.65 at pay grade L2 will help with the  
hiring for this position.  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, to approve the request to  
reclassify Rahr-West Art Museum Visitor Service Clerk on the Compensation Plan  
Structure and refer to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
Human Resources Director, Jessie Lillibridge, explained that the  
compensation plan needs some slight revisions. Based on last years  
discussion, the recommendation is being made that employees be moved  
automatically to market rate after 5 years of successful performance in their  
role stating that the employees would be skilled enough and for retention  
purposes. And that employees with 10 yrs of employment receive a $2500  
lump sum bonus. Alderpeson Brey questioned why 10 yrs and was  
answered to make it a goal of 10 yrs to stay with the City.  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Brey, to approve the employee compensation  
recommendations for 2024 and refer to Council. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
Human Resources Director, Jessie Lillibridge, explained the changes in  
the Employee Policy Manual and the adjustment to the compensation  
language. The language to be adjusted include the following: negative PTO  
language to be removed, unpaid leave language and the types of leaves  
prior to going on unpaid leave, and annual clothing allowance for  
Community Service Worker Supervisor/Fleet Maintenance. Alderperson  
Sitkiewitz questioned why can't go negative for employees who don't have  
PTO for their first 30 days. Jessie stated that it causes administrative  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Kaderabek, that this Request be approve the  
Employee Policy Manual Revisions-June, 2023 and refer to Council. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
Human Resources Director, Jessie Lillibridge explained that this is for the  
renewing of the agreement only without any changes.  
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Kaderabek, to approve the request to renew  
Concordia University Agreement Partnership and refer to Council. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
8. Adjournment  
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Sitkiewitz, that this meeting be adjourned at  
6:17 p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Schlei, Kaderabek and Brey  
Submitted by Pam Wimmer, Human Resources Assistant