900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, February 22, 2023  
6:00 PM  
This meeting will be held 100% virtual.  
Chairman J. Nickels called the meeting of the City Plan Commission to order at  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Dave Diedrich, Daniel Hornung, Dan  
Koski, Dennis Steinbrenner and Jim Brey  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Jen Bartz  
Others Present: Jackie Mich, Elias Vareldzis, Aaron Breitenfeldt  
Approval of Minutes of the January 25, 2023 Plan Commission meeting.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Jagemann, that the January 25, 2023 Minutes be  
approved as amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 8-2023: City-Initiated Amendment to the Future Land Use Map;  
Property located at Calumet Avenue, Dewey Street and S. 42nd Street,  
from Institutional and Public Parks & Open Space to General Business.  
P. Braun stated that the subject location is the former Visitor Information  
Center property. He went on to provide the current and future land use  
maps. He said that the City has entered into an agreement to sell the  
property and detailed the planned use of the site. P. Braun stated that the  
existing land use designation is Institutional and Public Parks and Open  
Space; the proposed land use designation is General Business.  
P. Braun said that notices were sent to property owners within 200' and no  
comments were received.  
D. Diedrich asked if change will be to the existing map and not the updated  
plan currently being worked on by Vandewalle. P. Braun stated that the  
change is to the existing plan, but it will be revised in the comprehensive  
plan being updated.  
D. Hornung asked if the update was consistent with new plan. P. Braun  
stated that it is consistent.  
Chairman J. Nickels opened the public hearing.  
Aaron Breitenfeldt with Robert E. Lee & Associates, Engineer for Club  
Carwash, provided background and history of Club Carwash along with  
the proposed hours of operation. He added that a coffee shop and/or  
restaurant is possible in the future in a second stand alone builing.  
Chairman J. Nickels closed the public hearing.  
P. Braun read the recommendation to approve.  
Moved by Steinbrenner, seconded by Brey, that the City-Initiated Amendment to  
the Future Land Use Map be approved and referred to council. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 9-2023: Club Car Wash; Petition to Rezone Property located at 4221  
Calumet Avenue from P-1 Conservancy to C-1 Commercial.  
P. Braun stated that the location of the rezone area is the former Visitor  
Information Center located at 4221 Calumet Avenue. The property is  
currently owned by the City and the City has entered into a sale agreement  
for the property. The property is currently zoned P-1 Conservancy and the  
proposed zoning district is C-1 Commercial which allows stand alone  
P. Braun said that notices were sent to property owners within 200' and no  
comments were received.  
D. Steinbrenner asked if the existing structure will be torn down. P. Braun  
said yes.  
Chairman J. Nickels opened the public hearing. There were no comments.  
P. Braun read the recommendation to approve the rezone.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Koski, that the Petition to Rezone Property  
located at 4221 Calumet Avenue from P-1 Conservancy to C-1 Commercial be  
approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC4-2020: Plate Enterprises; Review of a Conditional Use Permit for the  
Operation of a Recycling Facility located at 1107 Franklin Street.  
P. Braun said that the original Conditional Use Permit was issued in 2020  
for the operating of a recycling facility at 1107 Franklin Street. He said  
there are no issues with Building Inspection, Fire or Police Department but  
the City Clerk's Office is waiting for an application from the operator for the  
issuance of a recycling license.  
P. Braun said Michael Plate was contacted and stated he is working on the  
letter of credit requirement for the recycling license. If the Clerk's Office  
receives the information and issues the license, no action is needed. If not,  
then the process to revoke the Conditional Use Permit should be started at  
the March 2023 Plan Commission meeting.  
G. Jagemann asked if all other concerns brought up initially were  
addressed. P. Braun said that yes they were and reiterated that the recent  
inspection was recently completed and there were no issues found.  
This item was tabled until March.  
This Review of a Conditional Use Permit for the Operation of a Recycling Facility  
located at 1107 Franklin Street was tabled until the March Plan Commission  
PC 5-2022: Update on the Comprehensive Plan Project  
Jackie Mich & Elias Vareldzis from VandeWalle & Associates shared  
outcomes from in-person and online open house feedback. They said that  
there were 25 people at the open house and 29 respondents to the online  
portion. They provided a key summary of feedback and the supported plan  
G. Jagemann asked if there were other ideas that came to surface.  
VandeWalle staff stated that people said improvements outside of  
downtown should be included, but there were no consistent priorities. He  
added that it came through that people want to see the same focus that has  
been placed on downtown in other areas.  
D. Diedrich asked what were for best practices for including Diversity,  
Equity & Inclusion a Comprehensive Plan. Jackie Mich said most include  
general language, similar to the proposed plan, and there are no specific  
metrics. She added that these statements are more about fostering the  
culture of inclusiveness in the community. Conversation ensued among  
VandeWalle staff reviewed the next steps in the adoption process,  
specifically the joint Plan Commission/Common Council public  
hearing/adoption on April 17th. She added that the adoption will be in  
conjunction with CORP plan where it is anticipated both plans will be  
approved and adopted at that meeting.  
This item was discussed  
PC 10-2023: U.S. Army Reserve Center / Silver Creek Park; Request to  
Extend Lease located at 3125 S. 10th Street. Pursuant to ยง 62.23(5)  
Matters Referred to City Plan Commission.  
P. Braun said the Army Reserve is currently leasing 8 acres of land at  
Silver Creek Park; its expiration date is April 30, 2056. He stated that the  
Army Reserve is requesting a 50-year extension. The Army is in the  
process of designing and constructing a renovation and expansion to the  
facility; and with this capital investment they would like the lease extension.  
The Lease would run through 2106.  
D. Koski provided additional background on the request and stated that the  
City should consider including assistance with maintenance and  
reconstruction costs of the roadway from S. 10th Street the Army Reserve's  
lease area.  
D. Hornung asked about the MPU water collector and future clean up. D.  
Koski stated that WisDNR has absolved the Army Reserve of any  
responsibilities. D. Koski stated he will ask Rob Michaelson from MPU  
Water for a copy of the report to include as documentation.  
Approve the request with terms to include language about costs for  
maintenance or reconstruction of the roadway due to the oversized vehicles  
being used by the Army Reserve.  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Diedrich, that the Request to Extend the Lease  
located at 3125 S. 10th Street be approved with road maintenance language and  
referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM):  
1. IMF Real Estate Holdings LLC; Block F Original Plat SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Section 25, T 19 N,  
R 23 E, City of Manitowoc  
C. Summary of Site Plans From January 18 to February 15, 2023: None  
Moved by Jagemann, seconded by Hornung, that the meeting be adjourned at  
6:45PM. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member  
Hornung, Member Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey