900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Public Infrastructure Committee  
Wednesday, March 2, 2022  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
1. Call to Order  
Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Ald. Brunner.  
2. Roll Call  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
Staff Present: D. Koski, G. Minikel, C. Hall, B. Wetenkamp, L. Hoffman, L. Majerus  
Others Present: Dolly McNulty - Woodland Dunes (Zoom)  
3. Public Comment  
4. Presentations  
5. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of Public Infrastructure Committee Minutes from January 5, 2022.  
Moved by Ald. Brey, seconded by Ald. Czekala, that the Minutes from January  
5, 2022 Meeting were approved. The motion carried.  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
6. Discussion and Action Items  
Potential Land Swap of Camp Vits and Woodland Dunes.  
D. Koski stated that this land swap came up when looking into logging the  
land and having to work around property owned by Woodland Dunes and  
property owned by the City that the City has no access to. This is being  
brought to the Public Infrastructure Committee for approval to continue the  
discussion with Woodland Dunes and for the legal department to start to  
move forward.  
B. Wetenkamp stated this land swap would allow both the City and  
Woodland Dunes to utilize their own properties as needed.  
Dolly McNulty- Property Committee Chair with Woodland Dunes stated  
they are in favor of this land swap and are taking it to their committee next  
week for approval to move forward.  
Ald. Brey asked if the no bike stipulation giving to Woodland Dunes by the  
donor would transfer to the City. L. Majerus stated she was not sure, but  
this would be looked into as the swap moves forward. She stated that  
some stipulations do not apply towards government property.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Steven Czekala, that  
this land swap be approved for further discussion. The motion carried  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
Request to erect 3 crosses on the hillside located at Evergreen Cemetery, April  
9 through April 18, 2022.  
Annual request - Ald. Brey asked if we grant this request, are we granting a  
request to any religious organization to put a display on any City property and  
setting a precedent. L. Majerus stated no we are not as this request is specific  
to the cemetery.  
A motion was made by Steven Czekala, seconded by Vice Chair Jim Brey, that  
the request for the 3 crosses to be erected at Evergreen Cemetery be approved.  
Action Item was approved and referred to council. The motion carried  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
Memorandum of Understanding with Zoo Society  
C. Hall stated that before the Zoo Society will donate the money for the  
Mountain Lion exhibit that a formal MOU be established showing clear  
guidelines for co-sponsoring capital developments. This is a request for the  
MOU to be approved in draft form. Liz is comfortable with this draft. Liz and  
Curt need to meet and finalize this request for council.  
A motion was made by Chad Beeman, seconded by Tim Boldt, that the MOU with  
the Zoo Society is approved as currently written and for legal department to  
move forward. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
MS4 Permit - 2021 Annual Report  
G. Minikel stated this is an annual report of the City's accomplishments that is  
sent to the DNR and published on the City's website. This report covers the  
different groups of items that end up in storm sewers and how the City  
educates the public on the dangers of these items ending up in our rivers and  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Steven Czekala, that  
the MS4 Permit - 2021 Annual Report be sent to the DNR and published on the  
City website. Item was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
CAWG recommends funding for Unbudgeted request from DPI for Plow/Salter  
for Gator at a cost not exceed $10,000.  
D. Koski is requesting approval to add attachments to the gator currently being  
used to water flowers and then be also utilized in the winter. It would work on  
the narrow roads in Evergreen Cemetery and narrow alley ways. The Gator  
would then be stored at the Cemetery during winter and at DPW during  
Ald. Brey asked if the Gator was originally purchased for watering flowers only,  
would adding the additional duties reduce the lifespan of the Gator. D. Koski  
feels it is capable of doing this extra work as it was built for more than watering  
A motion was made by Tim Boldt, seconded by Chad Beeman, that the request to  
purchase the attachments for the Gator be approved for consent agenda. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
7. Previously Tabled Items  
City Hall Use Policy  
D. Koski is asking for the City Hall Use Policy be placed into action. The Policy  
does state that all audio/video equipment will only be ran by City staff and that a  
staff member will need to be on site during all rentals and that a fee will be  
Ald. Brey was concerned with rentals a year ahead of time - what happens if  
something comes up with the City needing to utilize the rented room. D. Koski  
stated City the Use Policy does state that the City will take priority.  
A motion was made by Chad Beeman, seconded by Steven Czekala, that the City  
Hall Use Policy is approved for consent agenda.. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  
8. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Steven Czekala, that  
the meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m. The motion carried by the following  
5 - Brunner, Brey, Czekala, Beeman and Boldt  