900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Public Infrastructure Committee  
Wednesday, December 7, 2022  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
1. Call to Order  
Chairman Cummings called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
2. Roll Call  
Staff Present: D. Koski, G. Minikel, S. Birr, B. Wetenkamp, C. Hall, A. Deringer,  
A. Tegen  
Others Present: Becky & Neal Verfuerth, Khamphat & Chantha Vang, Steven  
Meyer, Jeff & Patti Palubicki, Germaine Carmody, Jeff & Julie Vogel, Clint Rau,  
Kein Meyer, Arnold Opichka, Kevin Reinboldt, Thai Her, Lauren Her, Patrick  
Cox, Pamela Gates, Andy Onesti, Dave Bauman, Allen Robinson, Beth & Paul  
Garceau, Desiree Wierman, Mike Howe, John Herrenbruck, Ben Stalvey  
3. Public Comment  
4. Presentations  
5. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of Minutes from the November 2, 2022 Public Infrastructure  
Committee Meeting  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Minutes from the November 2, 2022 meeting were  
approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
6. Discussion and Action Items  
22-1030 Parks Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Update Presentation  
Brock was present to introduce Ben Rohr from Vandewalle and Associates and  
Blake Theisen from Parkitecture. They zoomed in to present a progress update  
as well as an updated project timeline. There will be a public open house in  
January for the public to have the opportunity to review and provide feedback.  
The Committee thanked them for their work.  
This Presentation was placed on file  
BRIC Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities Program) Grant for  
Stormwater Project Design for South 23rd Street (Division Street - Grand  
Avenue), recommending applying for the Grant  
G. Minikel presented the Committee with options for the flooding issues and the  
grant for the stormwater project design for South 23rd Street (Division Street to  
Grand Avenue). The Grant application deadline is December 20th, 2022. The  
Grant for the design work will be 75 percent funded with a City portion of 25  
The Committee recommended applying for the Grant.  
A motion was made by Alderperson Tim Boldt, seconded by Alderperson Chad  
Beeman, that the Request to apply for a BRIC Grant for Storwater Project Design  
for South 23rd Street was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Reed Avenue Reconstruction Discussion, recommending approval of  
Option 4A Design (14 foot Islands to remain, Roadway narrows by 6 feet  
each side with parking on both sides, and installation of a 10 foot multi-use  
asphalt path on south side only).  
G. Minikel presented to the Committee and property owners in attendance the  
work that will take place on Reed Avenue in 2023. The preliminary plans  
included 5 options that he presented. There were several property owners  
present to talk. Greg said that trees will be removed and replaced with other  
trees. The sidewalk along the northside will be removed and replaced as most  
is in poor condition. He explained that our main objective is to slow down the  
traffic and incorporate a multi-use path or a bike lane.  
Several property owners spoke and all were in favor of option 4. This option  
includes the 14' islands to remain, the roadway narrows by 6 feet each side with  
parking on both sides, and install a 10' wide multi-use asphalt path on south  
side only.  
The following property owners spoke at meeting:  
Mike Howe, 220 N 7th Street, had a few questions about how far the project  
would go on Reed.  
John Herrenbruck, 212 Reed Avenue, wanted islands to remain to keep it a  
residential neighborhood  
Kevin Reisboldt, 120 Reed Avenue, would like islands to remain and had a few  
questions regarding sidewalks and approaches.  
Clint Rau, Pediatric Dentist, needs assessibilty throughout the project as he has  
emergencies and patients in need of care. Semi truck assessibility to the Piggly  
Wiggly is also important and mentioned making the approach/driveway currently  
busted up by semi trucks. He also recommended shortening up the island so  
people leaving his office can turn left and head west without going around the  
island. He recommends keeping the islands and installing a crossing area as  
he witnesses quite a few kids with near miss accidents trying to get across  
Reed Avenue.  
Dave Bauman, First Methodist Church, recommends access during  
construction. He would like the option to park in front of Church in events they  
need the extra parking.  
Bill Stalvey, 304 Reed Avenue, recommended removal of all of the trees with  
new ones planted.  
Neal Verfuerth, 601 Reed Ave, recommended the islands remain as they make  
the neighborhood.  
Alderman voiced their opinions and were all in favor of the Option #4, the  
residents spoke and they are all in favor of leaving the boulevard.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that Option 4A for Reed Avenue Reconstruction was approved and  
favored by property owners in attendance. Option 4A was approved for consent  
agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Request for $3,000 from Zoo Donation Tube for annual landscaping,  
recommending approval of donation tube funds  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Alderperson  
Tim Boldt, that the to use $3k from Zoo Donation Tube for annual landscaping  
was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Enterprise Fleet Lease Insurance Addendum, recommending approval  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Enterprise Fleet Lease Insurance Addendum was approved for  
consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Request for Out of State Travel for Jeremy Walvoord for Transit Bus  
Summit 2023 in Dallas, Texas, February 20th through February 23, 2023,  
recommending approval  
A motion was made by Alderperson Tim Boldt, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Out of State travel request for Transit Bus Summit 2023 was  
approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Stormwater Management Facility Maiintenance Agreement for parcel #  
052-756-000-210.00 located on Albert Drive, recommending approval  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement for  
parcel on Albert Drive was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement for Parcel  
#052-817-203-031.00 located in the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 17,  
T19N, R24E, City of Manitowoc, recommending approval  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Alderperson  
Tim Boldt, that the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement  
for parcel #52-817-203-031.00 was approved for consent agenda. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement with Wisconsin  
Aluminum Foundry Company, Inc., for Parcel #052-000-208-180.00  
located at 838 South 16th Street, recommending approval  
A motion was made by Alderperson Steven Czekala, seconded by Alderperson  
Tim Boldt, that the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement  
for WAF located at 838 South 16th Street was approved for consent agenda. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Obligations and Potential Liability for Airport Drainage Channel;  
recommending to place on file  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the Request was placed on file for Consent Agenda. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
Lease and Sublease Agreement to Support a Potential Solar Power  
Project on City Owned Property  
A. Tegan, Community Development and Andy Onesti from MPU were present to  
discuss with the Committee the community solar project. Adam stated we  
need to protect area to allow sunlight. Andy said that over 200 customers have  
signed up and are interested in this project.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, to enter in Agreement was entered into for Consent Agenda.. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
7. Previously Tabled Items  
Last Court/Knuell Street/Herman Road Drainage Ditch, recommending  
placing on file  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, to place the communication on file for Consent Agenda. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
8. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Jim Brey, seconded by Alderperson Steven  
Czekala, that the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Brey, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  