900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, January 26, 2022  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
The Meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order by Acting Chairman  
J. Brey at 6:00pm.  
7 -  
Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Dave Diedrich, Daniel Hornung, Dan Koski, Dennis  
Steinbrenner and Jim Brey  
1 - Mayor Nickels  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Adam Tegen, Mayor Justin Nickels, Jen Bartz  
Others Present: Patrick Ortlieb, Susan Beattie, Thomas Beattie, Lisa Stricklin, Beth Snyder,  
Richard Snyder, Michelle Monroe, Catherine Egger, Chris Gilbert, Stacy Schmidt, Tristan Erdmann,  
Christma Rusch, Jamie Zastrow, Eric Zabel  
Approval of the Minutes of the December 15, 2021 Plan Commission  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Koski, that the Minutes of the December 15, 2021  
meeting be approved as amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 4-2022: Ortlieb / Pathways for a Better Life, LLC; Request for a  
Conditional Use Permit pursuant to 15.150(3)f. for the establishment of a  
Community-Based Residential Facility for Treatment and Recovery  
Services located at 1010 Huron Street.  
P. Braun detailed the location of the requested Conditional Use Permit  
(CUP). The current zoning is R-4, Single and Two Family Residential.  
Patrick & Linda Ortlieb have submitted an offer to purchase to the  
Manitowoc Public School District for the McKinley School property. They  
will then lease the building to Pathways for a Better Life, LLC. He stated  
that Pathways would like to establish a 60-bed Community Based  
Residential Facility (CBRF) to treat individuals with drug and alcohol  
dependency issues.  
P. Braun reached out to the Police and Fire Departments to see if they  
have had and concerns with Pathways or the proposed project and he  
stated that there were no concerns.  
He stated that CBRFs fall under the category of Community Living  
Arrangements by the State and are also licensed by the State. He went on  
to read the definition and what services can be provided. He also stated  
that all CBRFs are reviewed annually. P. Braun cited sections from the  
Municipal Code and State Statutes relating to the criteria for the issuance  
of a CUP for a Community Living Arrangement.  
P. Braun stated that a mailing was sent to adjacent and abutting property  
owners and there were no calls or comments. A voicemail was forwarded  
from the Mayor's Office received from Chris Gilbert of Core Treatment  
Services, but there was no detail provided in the message.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked the Commissioners for questions. There  
were no questions.  
Lisa Stricklin, 1425 N 9th Street. She had many questions she was hoping  
to have addressed by owners. She asked if there was collaborative  
outreach prior to the project being set in motion? Any type of board  
structure for new facility? What other county agency contracts look like.  
What services and ratio and which will be offered in Manitowoc? Who will  
be the licensed staff? She also asked for an explanation of services  
Patrick Ortlieb, 4527 Culla Hill Circle, Sheboygan: Patrick will be building  
owner only and can answer questions related to the building but Susan  
Beattie from Pathways can answer questions related to the services that  
will be provided. There was a meeting with residents in the neighborhood  
and future plans were explained. There are contingencies on the sale  
related to the issuance of a CUP.  
Susan Beattie, 10406 Rabe Road, Kiel. She stated that they have not had  
a lot of contact in Manitowoc as most of their service area currently is  
Sheboygan. Services will be detox and residential treatment services. She  
stated that the board is a combination of bankers, family, attorneys and  
several other individuals. She went on to address that Pathway to a Better  
Life works with several counties and have County contracts from LaCrosse  
to Bayfield, as well as beyond Wisconsin into neighboring states. She  
explained the facility/treatment model, and stated that there will be licensed  
staff on site in Manitowoc. She said that Pathways has been fully licensed  
since the beginning and follow all required laws. She stated that program  
graduates are sometimes used as mentors.  
Michelle Monroe, 601 Kohler Drive, West Bend. She has been a substance  
abuse counselor at Pathways for almost four years. She stated that there  
has been a dramatic increase in the need this past year, especially as  
Medicaid is starting to cover residential treatment and other services.  
There is a wait list as they do not have the beds or room. This is a great  
opportunity - wait list is almost 60 deep. This is a great opportunity for the  
community. Opportunity to save more people in our communities and grow  
the recovery network.  
Chris Gilbert, 5049 Brookfield Circle, Manitowoc: He is the co-executive  
director of Core Treatment. He stated that he has no problem with another  
organization offering the services but is concerned about the size and  
number of beds. More treatment in community is needed, but his fear is  
that if something opens really big, the positive reputation that has been built  
in the community will be damaged. He shared that the co-director of Core  
shared with him that she left Pathways because of concerns about  
licensing. The project is a massive scope and 60 beds is huge.  
Transitioning people to sober living is difficult as there are limited services  
to help people when they leave. If this does not work and it fails, people die  
and this is a concern. He suggests that the CUP be issued, but with a lower  
bed limit.  
P. Ortlieb responded that he respects and understands C. Gilberts  
concerns. He said that because of size of building, the most cost effective  
option to do construction at one time. Up to 60-beds capable, does not  
mean they will open with 60 beds. He also stated that he owns rental  
properties that work as sober living homes, so there are ways to work  
Stacey Schmidt, 718 N 4th Street: Worked with Pathways for a number of  
years and has been an registered nurse in the hospital system for 18 years.  
She stated that there are not enough resources to take care of people and  
this is an unmet need of health care. Mental health and substance abuse  
treatment is needed. She shared a personal story and stated that services  
she needed had to be received in Fond du Lac because their were none  
available locally. She added that what Pathways can provided is much  
needed in our community.  
Tristan Erdmann, 1401 Hamilton Street, Manitowoc. He stated he is  
currently a counselor with Pathways and a U.S. Army veteran. He shared  
that the need has grown and there is a need to work together as a  
community. He asked for Plan Commission to approve and provide people  
what they need and what they deserve for this disease. He added that he  
has met with families from out of state and that geographically cannot  
escape addiction and this provides availability of services.  
Christma Rusch, 1121 N 14th Street, Manitowoc. Does not see a stigma in  
work the treatment facility does. Not opposed to the project, but  
considerations are heavy. Do you want to do it or do you want to do it right?  
Runs Lighthouse Recovery on collaboration and transparency. She  
supports other organizations and resources. The community is a unified  
front for recovery and the goal is to make the community healthy.  
M. Monroe stated that Pathways is 100% about client care and supporting  
clients. The clinical team would not take on more than they can handle, and  
the staff census is needed to support their work. She stated she  
appreciates all the concerns, but that 60 beds will only be used if staff are  
available to help in a healthy way  
Acting Chairman J. Brey closed the public hearing.  
P. Braun read the recommendation to approve the issuance of the CUP  
and five conditions. He stated that the applicant accepts the conditions as  
D. Koski asked if this will be a licensed facility and if the number of people  
being treated is based on staffing levels. S. Beatty confirmed that they are  
licensed and historically Pathways ratio is less than what the State  
requires. Pathways is 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, client to clinician.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Steinbrenner, that the request for a Conditional  
Use Permit for the establishment of a Community-Based Residential Facility for  
Treatment and Recovery Services located at 1010 Huron Street.be approved and  
referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 3-2002: Zabel / Glasstone LLC; Request for a Conditional Use Permit  
in the C-1 Commercial Zoning District pursuant to 15.310(3)b for the  
establishment of mini-warehouse located at 3737 Dewey Street.  
P. Braun detailed the location and project. He stated that in the C-1 zoning  
district the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for a  
mini-warehouse. He provided the definition for mini-warehouses, as well as  
regulations of things that can and cannot be stored in them. He stated that  
a site plan has been submitted for the project, but it is being held pending  
the CUP being approved.  
P. Braun stated that notices were mailed to adjacent and abutting property  
owners. No comments were received.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked for clarification on address. P. Braun  
Acting Chairman J. Brey opened the public hearing.  
No public comments.  
P. Braun read recommendation and conditions. He stated that the  
applicant has accepted the conditions.  
Moved by Koski, seconded by Hornung, that the Conditional Use Permit in the C-1  
Commercial Zoning District for the establishment of mini-warehouse located at  
3737 Dewey Street be approved and referred to council. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 44-2021: City Initiated Street Vacation under §66.1003(2) and Official  
Map Amendment under §62.23(6) for an Unnamed Street near the  
intersection of S. Frontage Road and S. 42nd Street.  
P. Braun provided background information on the location of the street  
vacation and amendment to the official map. He stated that the area is  
dedicated, but unimproved. There are no utilities in the area. The area was  
dedicated when Forest Creek Apartments and East Point Rentals, LLC  
development lots were created by a certified survey. All of the vacated area  
will go back to Forest Creek because the land being vacated originally was  
part of the Forest Creek parcel. He stated he contacted Mike Howe with  
East Point Rentals, LLC and Howe has no interest or concern with the  
vacated area. Howe has access to his property off of S. Frontage Road  
and Enterprise Court. P. Braun added that the area being vacated is  
adjacent to a wetland and if the City wanted the street constructed it most  
likely would not get approval from the DNR to fill the wetland.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey opened the public hearing. No public input was  
P. Braun read the recommendation of approval of street vacation and  
official map.  
Moved by Jagemann, seconded by Diedrich, that the City Initiated Street  
Vacation under §66.1003(2) and Official Map Amendment under §62.23(6) for an  
Unnamed Street near the intersection of S. Frontage Road and S. 42nd Street be  
approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
Resolution to vacate an un-named street off of South Frontage Road  
No action needed. Associated with the previous street vacation public  
This Resolution was approved and referred to council  
PC 4-2020: Michael Plate. d.b.a. Plate Enterprises: Annual Review of a  
Conditional Use Permit - for the operation of a Recycling Facility Located  
1107 Franklin Street; recommending to approve the annual review of Plate  
Enterprises' Conditional Use Permit located at 1107 Franklin Street  
P. Braun stated this is an annual review. He said he reached out to Building  
Inspection, Fire and Police Departments and there were no concerns on  
file. He stated that the recommendation is to continue with another annual  
review in January or February of 2023. He added that Mr. Plate has  
contacted him and is looking at new locations.  
D. Steinbrenner asked about previous concerns and if issues have been  
resolved. P. Braun stated that all have been resolved. Building Inspectors  
revisited the site recently and Mr. Plate was in compliance.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Koski, that the Annual Review of a Conditional  
Use Permit - for the operation of a Recycling Facility Located 1107 Franklin  
Street.be approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 36-2019: Grow it Forward: Annual Review of an Adaptive Reuse  
Conditional Use Permit located at 1501 Marshall Street; recommending to  
approve the annual review of Grow it Forward's Adaptive Reuse  
Conditional Use Permit located at 1501 Marshall Street  
P. Braun stated this is an annual review of a previously issued Conditional  
Use Permit (CUP). He said he contacted the Building Inspection, Fire and  
Police Departments and there were no concerns on file. He added that the  
Police Department mentioned that during COVID there were some traffic  
concerns during times of food distribution, but there have been no issues  
since then.  
P. Braun added that the Plan Commission can chose to approve or drop  
the annual review altogether, which is next scheduled for review in  
January/February 2023.  
Motion by Hornung, seconded by Hall to approve the annual review of the  
Grow It Forward facility.  
D. Diedrich asked if the Plan Commission can move to a bi-annual review.  
P. Braun said it can be an annual review, bi-annual or not at all and review  
as needed.  
D. Diedrich amended original motion to proceed with a bi-annual review in  
2024, seconded by G. Jagemann.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Jagemann, that a Bi-Annual Review of an  
Adaptive Reuse Conditional Use Permit located at 1501 Marshall Street. be  
approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 2-2022: Annual Review of Community Living Arrangements;  
recommending Pursuant to section 15.370(19) the Plan Commission has  
reviewed the Community Living Arrangements and is recommending to the  
Council to approve the associated licenses for the Community Living  
Arrangement for 2022  
P. Braun stated that all Community Living Arrangements (CLA) are  
reviewed annually by statute and code. Building Inspection, Police and Fire  
Departments had no concerns. There are 35 CLAs in the City. Community  
Based Residential Facilities and Adult Family Homes fall under the  
category of CLAs. He read the recommendation to approve associated  
licenses for 2022.  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Steinbrenner, that the Annual Review of  
Community Living Arrangements be approved for consent agenda. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 5-2022: Comprehensive Plan Update - Review of Proposals;  
recommending to approve the proposal from Vandewalle & Associates,  
Inc. for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and i) instruct the Mayor and  
staff to enter into any agreements or contracts related to the project and ii)  
instruct staff to proceed with all necessary steps to complete the project  
P. Braun stated that three responses to the Comprehensive Plan update  
RFP were received. He said that the City has relationships with all three  
and all RFPs were competitive.  
D. Steinbrenner said that he scanned through all three and his opinion is  
Vandewalle should be considered. City staff should be looked to and the  
Commission should use their judgement in the selection of a consultant.  
D. Diedrich said that he was on the Commission 2009 for the  
Comprehensive Plan and Vandewalle was good to work with. He said their  
10-month time frame was strong in the current proposal and that he is  
comfortable with Vandewalle.  
D. Hornung added that he also liked Vandewalle's 10-month time frame for  
completion of the project and their proposal overall.  
J. Brey added that he would be satisfied if Vandewalle was selected as he  
was also here for the previous Comprehensive Plan.  
C. Hall said he supports working with the team who has history and  
P. Braun explained that the Plan Commission will be the steering  
committee for Comprehensive Plan Update.  
Discussion ensued about continuity of the plan document and if new, fresh  
ideas would be incorporated by Vandewalle.  
D. Steinbrenner added that the cafeteria-type options provided. Would this  
be considered?  
D. Hornung added that the timing of the amendment is good because the  
new census data and the new industrial park area can be incorporated into  
the amendment.  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Steinbrenner, that this Action Item be approved  
for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
1 - Member Koski  
PC 33-2020: Evergreen Real Estate Group - 1127 & 1133 S. 16th Street  
P. Braun shared that the project has been stopped due to funding. A.  
Tegen added that the developer has assured that the project being  
stopped is only related to funding and was nothing the City did. The  
developer received tax credits, but even with other funding sources and  
construction cost increases, they could not close the gap. He added that he  
has talked to property owner and they have other interest in the site. It is  
possible something new will come forward to Plan Commission in the next  
few months.  
This Action Item was discussed  
25-2021: Project Update Barriers to Development  
P. Braun shared that the survey was sent to 20 communities and about  
50% have responded. He added that the information will be compiled and  
shared in February.  
D. Diedrich asked if the feedback can be added in the Comprehensive  
Plan update. P. Braun stated that staff are hoping to have action items as a  
result of the survey in February.  
This Action Item was discussed  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM):  
1. Vogel Family Farms; NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 Section 3, T19N, R23E, Town of Manitowoc  
2. Pineview Park Apartments, LLC / Doneff Holdings, LLC; Resurvey of Lot 1 of a CSM Volume  
35, Page 287 in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 Section 8, T19N, R24E, City of Manitowoc  
3. Deb Fischer, Betty Mangin, Glenn Kieselhorst; NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 5, T18N, R23E  
Town of Newton  
4. Knox Ventures LLC; SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 Section 28 T19N,  
R23E, City of Manitowoc including resurvey of Tr. B CSM Vol. 1 Page 97  
C. Summary of Site Plans From December 10, 2021 - January 19, 2022:  
1. SP 21-2021: Southfield Townhomes, Community/Office Building  
2. SP 1-2022: Glasstone LLC, 40’x250’ Warehouse  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Jagemann, that the meeting be adjourned at  
7:15pm. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey