900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Finance Committee  
Tuesday, October 4, 2022  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Note: This meeting will also be held via remote conferencing  
software (Zoom)  
1. Call to Order  
2. Roll Call  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
3. Public Comment  
4. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Schlei, to accept the Consent Agenda Items  
and recommendations of the various committees The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Minutes of the September 6, 2022 Finance Committee meeting, recommending  
approval and place on file  
Attachments: Minutes 9-6-22  
5. Discussion and Action Items  
Finance Committee review and recommendation of applicants for open MPU  
Commission position  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, to recommend Alex Allie to be  
elected to a 5 year term on the MPU Commission. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Request to increase the City Clerk Credit Card limit from $2,000 to $5,000 due  
to the promotion to Department Head  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Reckelberg, to approve the request. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
CAWG Request from Department of Public Infrastructure - Engineering for  
RRFB Crosswalk Signage at South 23rd & Dewey Street  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Schlei, to approve the request for $8,000. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Claims Report January 2022 - September 2022  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, to accept and place on file. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
3rd Quarter CAWG Listing Report  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, to accept and place on file. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
3rd Quarter Fraud Detection and Prevention Report  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, to accept and place on file. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Granicus Renewal Agreement for Term of 12.1.2022 to 11.30.2023  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, to enter into the agreement. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Committee Chair Alderperson Brey read the notice to convene in Closed Session: Notice is hereby  
given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during the meeting as  
authorized by Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the governmental  
body to convene in closed session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of  
public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business,  
whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
6. Closed Session  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Kaderabek, to convene in closed session.  
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Review and Possible Action on Potential River Point Property Purchase  
Update on Former Mirro Plant #9 Workforce Housing Project  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during  
the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(g) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the  
governmental body to convene in closed session for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for  
the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by  
the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
L22-00045 VANDENHOUTEN Claim (2304 S 13th Street) sewer  
backup/broken sewer lateral $9,679.87  
The Finance Committee deliberated in closed session (redacted --  
Closed Session)  
7. Reconvene in Open Session  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Kaderabek, to reconvene in open session.  
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Review and Possible Action on Potential River Point Property Purchase  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Kaderabek, that this Request be accepted and  
referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Update on Former Mirro Plant #9 Workforce Housing Project  
No Action Taken  
L22-00045 VANDENHOUTEN Claim (2304 S 13th Street) sewer backup/broken  
sewer lateral $9,679.87  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Reckelberg, to offer a payment of $4,840. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
3 - Brey, Schlei and Reckelberg  
2 - Sitkiewitz and Kaderabek  
8. Adjournment  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Sitkiewitz, that this meeting be adjourned.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Kaderabek  