Capital Project Budget
Kris Kouba was present to talk about funding for the Skatepark. Back in 2019
he was in to talk to City about fundraising for the park. The West Foundation is
proposing a grant for $100k, only if the City will match the donation amount.
Mr. Kouba explained the safety issues as the wooden ramps are deteriorating.
They have fixed them best they could but at some point they will need to be
replaced. The best replacement would be to make these ramps cement. He
described some other work that will also need to be completed, such as
removal of the fence. The wooden ramps have been in place since 2008.
Phyllis Schippers, President of the West Foundation, was present. She
informed the Committee that they meet monthly. They look favorably on City
requests and in order to move forward with funding, they will need support from
City stating that they will match the funding of $100k.
The Committee explained that they will need to see the budget that the Mayor
presents in November. They will support if it is included in the 2025 budget.
Phyllis stated that January is a good time to come to West Foundation with
grant requests.
D. Koski explained that it wasn't part of the CAWG rankings. T. Reckelberg
recommended adding to list.
A motion was made by Chad Beeman, seconded by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg,
that the Skatepark Funding Request was recommended for consideration for the
2025 Capital Project budget, and placed on Consent Agenda. The motion carried
by the following vote:
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets
Strand Task Order 24-02 - Agreement for Technical Services for Rubick
Field Dry Detention Basin and Grand Avenue Storm Sewer Improvements,
recommending approval of the Agreement
G. Minikel explained that this is the official task order for design of the Rubick
Field Dry Detention Basin and Grand Avenue Storm Sewer Improvements.
A motion was made by Tim Boldt, seconded by Chad Beeman, that the
Agreement with Strand for Technical Services for Rubick Field Dry Detention
Basin and Grand Avenue Storm Sewer Improvements was approved for consent
agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets
PC 1-2024: AT&T; Request for an Easement across City of Manitowoc
Property, Lots 6 & 7 in Block 241 of the Original Plat, parcel #’s
000-241-070 & 000-241-130, recommending approval