900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Finance Committee  
Thursday, November 9, 2023  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers & Remotely (Via Zoom)  
1. Call to Order  
2. Roll Call  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
3. Public Comment  
Finance Committee Chair Alderperson Brey declared the meeting open for public  
comment. In accordance with policy, the public comment portion of the meeting  
is not made part of the official record.  
4. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to accept the Consent Agenda  
Items and recommendations of the various committees. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Minutes of the October 3, 2023 Finance Committee meeting, recommending  
approval and place on file.  
Minutes of the November 2, 2023 Finance Committee meeting, recommending  
approval and place on file  
Minutes of various Manitowoc Public Utilities Commission Meetings,  
recommending accepting and place on file  
5. Discussion and Action Items  
Alcohol Beverage Licenses Enforcement Policy  
Chairperson Brey pulled this item due to time constraints; to be discussed at the  
December Finance Committee regular meeting.  
3rd Quarter 2023 Investment Report  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Schlei, that this Report be accepted and  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Amendment to Municipal Service Agreement between City of Manitowoc and  
Progress Lakeshore  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Czekala, that this Amendment be approved. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Brey, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
1 - Sitkiewitz  
3rd Quarter 2023 Budget Exceptions Report  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Czekala, that this Report be accepted and  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
3rd Quarter 2023 CAWG Requests Report - Revised  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Reckelberg, that this revised Report be accepted  
and placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
3rd Quarter 2023 Internal Controls to Prevent and Detect Fraud Report  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Czekala, that this Report be accepted and  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
3rd Quarter 2023 Claims Report from City Attorney's Office  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Reckelberg, that this Report be accepted and  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Tax Levy Certification from Manitowoc Public School District for Fiscal Year  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Schlei, that this Item be accepted and placed  
on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Tax Levy Certification from Lakeshore Technical College for Fiscal Year  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Czekala, that this Item be accepted and  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Lease between City of Manitowoc and Century 21 Aspire Group LLC for  
Department of Tourism office space at 824 S. 8th St., Manitowoc, WI  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Czekala, that this Lease Agreement be  
approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
2024 Special Events Application Fee Schedule and Resolution  
Moved by Czekala, seconded by Schlei, that this Resolution be adopted. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Fiscal Impact Process Discussion  
Finance Director Alfred requested guidance and discussion on how the Finance  
Committee would like to proceed with the Fiscal Impact Process for Committee  
meetings and Common Council meetings going forward.  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Schlei, that this Item be placed on file. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Recommendation to Alleviate Pay Compression in Protective Services  
This Item was discussed. Chairperson Brey made the decision to hold this item  
until the Budget Discussion later on the agenda.  
6. Closed Session  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed  
session during the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(g) of the Wisconsin  
Statutes, which authorizes the governmental body to convene in closed session for  
the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is  
rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with  
respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
L23-00143 - PHAJIT Claim for vehicle damage >$5,000 due to fallen tree during  
storm on 8/3/2023.  
Walgreen Co. Summons & Complaint for 2023 Tax Assessment  
L23-00129 B. Perkins Claim for damages >$5,000  
L23-00115 Shaw Claim for damages >$5,000 due to storm on August 3, 2023  
L23-00168 Lakeshore Mall LLC/Lakeside Improvement LLC Claim >$5,000  
Moved by Czekala, seconded by Reckelberg, that this meeting be convened in  
closed session. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
7. Reconvene in Open Session  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Reckelberg, that this meeting be reconvened in  
open session. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
L23-00143 - PHAJIT Claim for vehicle damage >$5,000 due to fallen tree during  
storm on 8/3/2023.  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Czekala, that this Claim be denied. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Walgreen Co. Summons & Complaint for 2023 Tax Assessment  
No action taken on this item  
L23-00129 B. Perkins Claim for damages >$5,000  
No action taken on this item  
L23-00115 Shaw Claim for damages >$5,000 due to storm on August 3, 2023  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Reckelberg, that this Claim be referred to the  
City Attorney's office for review. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
L23-00168 Lakeshore Mall LLC/Lakeside Improvement LLC Claim >$5,000  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Schlei, that this Claim be referred to the City  
Attorney's office and to authorize the City Attorney to investigate and deny the  
Claim at his descretion. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Discussion and possible action on City of Manitowoc's 2024 Budget  
Finance Director Shawn Alfred stated that he did some further analysis on the  
Interest Income in the proposed 2024 Budget, and recommends increasing that  
budget line to a total of $450,000.  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Sitkiewitz, that the budget for Interest  
Income be increased in the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget to a  
total of $450,000 in the General Fund. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Sitkiewitz, that Item #11 on the Road Projects  
Suggestions list (S. 19th Street - Summit Street to Flambeau Street and Summit  
Street from S. 18th Street to 150' west of S. 19th Street) be approved for inclusion  
in the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget, at a cost of $250,000. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
Alderperson Brey stated that after further research and discussion with the owner  
of the new restaurant opening at the corner of S. 22nd and Washington Streets,  
he will not be recommending to revert the 900 block of S. 22nd Street back to  
two-way traffic. Brey also discussed looking into the possibility of adding an LED  
'Do Not Enter' sign at the end of S. 22nd Street at Franklin Street to help deter  
wrong-way traffic. No motion was made; discussion only.  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Brey, to approve including approximately  
$18,000 for the alternative option on the Protective Services Pay Compression  
Alleviation plan and removing $140,000 for the 10-year employee bonuses from  
the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget.  
After some discussion, Reckelberg rescinded this motion.  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to remove $140,000 for the 10-year  
employee bonuses from the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget.  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Czekala, that the above motion be amended  
to remove $100,000 of the $140,000 from the recommended budget, and leave  
$40,000 in the budget as a contingency salary line to be used by the Mayor's  
Office for adjustments throughout the year as covered by the current Equity  
Adjustment Policy. The motion to amend carried by the following vote:  
3 - Sitkiewitz, Reckelberg and Czekala  
2 - Brey and Schlei  
Amended motion to remove $100,000 of the $140,000 10-year bonus amount from  
the recommended budget, and leave $40,000 in the budget as a contingency  
salary line to be used by the Mayor's Office for adjustments throughout the year  
as covered by the current Equity Adjustment Policy. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
4 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Reckelberg and Czekala  
1 - Schlei  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to use $150,000 of the CAWG  
(Capital Allocation Working Group) fund balance to reduce the 2024 tax levy for  
Capital Projects. The motion failed by the following vote:  
1 - Reckelberg  
4 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei and Czekala  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Reckelberg, to include the approximately $18,000  
alternative option for the Protective Services Pay Compression Alleviation in the  
2024 Finance Committee recommended budget. The motion failed by the  
following vote:  
2 - Schlei and Reckelberg  
3 - Brey, Sitkiewitz and Czekala  
Moved by Reckelberg, seconded by Czekala, that the budget as amended be  
moved forward to Council as the 2024 Finance Committee recommended budget.  
The motion failed by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  
The Committee discussed having another meeting to continue with the 2024  
Budget recommendation discussion.  
Chairperson Brey announced that the next Finance Committee meeting, for  
budget discussion only, will be held on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 4:30 pm  
in the Council Chambers.  
8. Adjournment  
Moved by Sitkiewitz, seconded by Schlei, that this meeting be adjourned. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Brey, Sitkiewitz, Schlei, Reckelberg and Czekala  