Minutes were approved for consent agenda.. The motion carried by the
following vote:
5 - Cummings, Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets
6. Discussion and Action Items
Request by A. Wachowski for approval to negotiate an agreement with the
City for baseball field renovations at Halvorsen Park pending approval from
WIDNR and NPS based off of property encumbrances; recommending
working with Engineering Department and possibly finding another path for
the project.
Adam Wachowski, Two Rivers Youth Sports (TRYS), was present and gave a
presentation to the Committee. TRYS is interested in partnering with City of
Manitowoc to improve a space for youth athletes throughout the area. This
proposal will attract more kids to the park as well as area businesses.
He went on to say that this will also bring Revenue to the City with a 15 year
lease with TRYS. After this time, the stadium will be returned to the City of
This proposed stadium will be fully funded by TRYS through fund raisers and
current donors that are interested.
B. Wetenkamp was present and explained that Halvorsen Park has Federal
encumbrances (LWCF) attached to it. If looking to privatize, approval from State
and Federal will be required. In exchange, there would need to be another
property to transfer the attached encumbrances to. This recommended park
transfer will need approval from the DNR and National Park Service.
The Committee discussed the proposed stadium with Adam. They were
concerned with lighting as there are houses across from the park and would
affect these properties. They also asked what material would be used for the
stadium concessions and Adam informed them it would be a wooden structure
with siding. He also said the lighting would be the second phase of the project.
There would be a fence around entire facility.
D. Koski informed the Committee that this location is proposed for a future
stormwater pond as there were flooding issues a few years ago. Flooding in
this area has not occurred for 3 years, however, it is an area of concern.
Brock explained that they brought this to the Committee for insight and approval
of the proposed project. This might not be the ideal location, however, if the
Committee will support it, then they could look for other options.
G. Minikel said he will reach out to Strand Associates to look to see if there are
other options.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Chad Beeman,
to approve negotiating with city staff to find plausible path for project was
approved for consent agenda.