900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Agenda  
Common Council  
Monday, February 20, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Note: This meeting will also be held via remote  
conferencing software (Zoom)  
Pursuant to Section 19.84(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given to the public,  
to the Herald-Times-Reporter, the official newspaper of Manitowoc, and to those news media who  
have filed a written request for this notice that a meeting of the above-referenced will be held at the  
date, time and location listed above.  
This meeting is being conducted both in Council Chambers at City Hall and via Zoom to maximize  
opportunities for residents to attend. Those attending the meeting via Zoom who wish to give public  
input are asked to keep their microphone muted until public input is opened to improve audio quality  
for all attendees. Those using their phone to call in may hit *6 to mute and un-mute themselves.  
Members of the public may call to listen in at 888 475 4499 US Toll-free, Meeting ID: 893 9628 6649  
Password: 669106.  
Public input will be accepted at the meeting. Those wishing to make public comment in advance of  
the meeting should email mreed@manitowoc.org or call 920-686-6951 with their comment no later  
than 12:00 p.m. central the day of the meeting. Emailed public input will be attached to the agenda  
and made part of the public record.  
The above governmental body will meet to discuss and possibly take action on the agenda items  
set forth below.  
6:30 PM - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing any and all interested  
parties in the matters of the Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives in the  
River Point District for property located in and around 1050 York Street, and the  
FY22 USEPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant Application.  
6:31 PM - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing any and all interested  
parties in the matter of a proposed Conditional Use Permit for The Preserves at  
Lincoln Park Subdivision Planned Unit Development  
6:32 PM - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing any and all interested  
parties in the matter of a proposed change in zone from B-3 General Business  
District to R-7 Central Resident District for property generally located along the  
west side of S. 9th Street, the south side of Hamilton Street and the north side  
of Madison Street  
6:33 PM - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing any and all interested  
parties in the matter of a proposed Conditional Use Permit located at a portion  
of 842 S 26th Street for the establishment of a Contractor's Equipment Storage  
Members of the public will be permitted to speak at the Common Council meeting each  
month on any matter of public interest. The comments from each speaker shall be  
limited to five minutes in length unless extended by action of the Common Council.  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any member of the Council wishes to  
remove an item for discussion.  
1. Removal of Consent Agenda Items  
Any Common Council Member may request removal of any item from the consent  
agenda, and such item shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof  
removed from the consent agenda shall be separately considered.  
2. Miscellaneous  
Minutes of the January 16, 2023 Common Council meeting, recommending  
approval and place on file  
Public Notice of an Air Pollution Control Permit Application Review of B & B  
Metals Processing Co Inc., located at 14520 Pioneer Rd, Newton, WI,  
recommending acceptance and place on file  
Report of 2022 activities of Great Lakes Utilities (GLU) as required by  
Resolution. Recommending acceptance and place on file.  
3. Committee of the Whole (Consent)  
Report of Special Events Committee relative to approval of the following events:  
Manty's Slammin Shootout on 6/16/2023-6/18/2023; Waiver of Fees: AmVets  
Memorial Day Picnic on 5/29/2023; Waiver of Fees: Shop with a Cop on  
12/06/2023-12/08/2023; recommending acceptance of report and place on file  
4. Finance Committee (Consent)  
Transit Budget Amendment; recommending to approve the budget amendment  
4th Quarter 2022 Investment Report; recommending to accept and place on file  
Claims Report January 2022 - December 2022; recommending to accept and  
place on file  
Report of 2022 Municipal Court Revenues & Caseload Statistics;  
recommending to accept and place on file  
Claim on excessive assessment for property located at 1900 Woodland Dr  
(Parcel #131002150); recommending to refer to City Attorney  
Approval of a Qualified Environmental Consulting (QEC) Consultant;  
recommending to accept the proposal from Stantec  
Letter of Intent from Wireless Propco LLC for the 736 Revere Drive Cell Tower;  
recommending to approve the letter of intent with Wireless Propco LLC  
Update on the River North Tax Appeal and the Draft Stipulation to Dismiss;  
recommending to place on file  
Granicus Subscription Renewal for Period of Performance March 18, 2023 -  
March 17, 2024; recommending to approve the renewal  
Presentation by Brad Viegut from Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. on 2023 Debt  
Financing Plan; recommending to place on file  
General City Claims in the amount of $9,055,058.37 enumerated on list thereof,  
recommending that the claims be allowed and ordered paid and Mayor, Clerk  
and Finance Director/Treasurer are instructed to issue the necessary order  
Report of Finance Committee to grant the various licenses subject to  
approvals, inspections, insurance, payment of license fees and meeting State  
Statute requirements, as detailed therein  
5. Personnel Committee (Consent)  
6. Public Infrastructure Committee (Consent)  
Waiver of Park Hours at Lakeview Park for Scenic Shore Bike Tour,  
recommending approval of waiver, with park of choice approved by the DPI  
Out of State Travel Request for Kara Ottum for the Transit Bus Summit to  
Dallas, TX, recommending approval of request  
Manitowoc Public School District Facility Use Agreement 2023, recommending  
Request to Erect 3 Crosses on Hillside at Evergreen Cemetery (April 1 through  
April 10, 2023), recommending approval  
Manitowoc Marine Band Agreement, recommending approval  
Roncalli Catholic School Facility Use Agreement 2023, recommending approval  
Manitowoc Parks and Recreation Facility Scheduling Priority 2023  
Request for Questcdn Planholders Increase, recommending approval of $10  
increase for a total of $60 download and bid fee  
Report of Board of Public Works of 1/25/2023, of bids received for 2023 Former  
Junk Yard Clean-up at River Point, WO-23-13; recommending awarding to low  
bidder, Vinton Construction Co., in the amount of $163,624.27  
Report of Board of Public Works of bids received for 2023 Televising  
Miscellaneous Sewers I, WU-23-5, recommending awarding to low bidder  
Green Bay Pipe & TV, LLC, in the amount of $43,010.23  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023 of bids received for 2023 Sewer  
Re-Lining Project, WU-23-7, recommending awarding to low bidder,  
Visu-Sewer, in the amount of $377,645.75  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023, of bids received for 2023 Seal  
Coating Program, WS-23-6, recommending awarding to low bidder, Scott  
Construction, Inc., in the amount of $146,224.26  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023, of bids received for 2023 Epoxy  
Painting - Pavement Marking Program, WS-23-9, recommending awarding to  
low bidder Brickline Inc Madison, in the amount of $124,473.09  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023 of approval to enter into  
AGMT-23-1 with A.C.E. Building Service to furnish material, labor and  
equipment to renovate the men's and women's restrooms at facility located at  
900 S. Lakeview Drive, in the amount of $24,695.00; recommending  
acceptance of report and place on file  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023 of approval to enter into  
AGMT-23-2 with Maritime Plumbing & Mechanical, LLC to furnish material, labor  
and equipment to remodel restrooms at the Carferry for a contract price of  
$6,896.00; recommending acceptance of report and place on file  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023 for 3rd & final payment of  
$15,606.11 to Vinton Construction for Sanitary Construction, WU-22-8;  
recommending payment  
Report of Board of Public Works of 2/8/2023 for 4th & final payment  
$177,209.50 to Vinton Construction Company for 2022 Concrete Paving I,  
WS-22-1; recommending payment  
Report of Board of Public Works of 1/26/2023 for 13th and final payment of  
$64,138.35 to Mike Koenig Construction Co Inc. for Rahr West Art Museum  
Elevator Addition & Remodel, WB-21-26; recommending payment  
7. Public Safety Committee (Consent)  
Police Department Regional Shoot House; recommending to approved the  
request to secure funding  
LifeQuest billing dispute, call 182A-22-2540; recommending to rescind the  
8. Plan Commission (Consent)  
PC 4-2023: East Point Land Development/Howe; Request for a  
Conditional Use Permit for the Creation of a Planned Unit Development  
(PUD) pursuant to 15.750; recommending to approve the Conditional Use  
Permit creating the Planned Unit Development for The Preserve at Lincoln  
PC 6-2023: McMullen & Pitz Construction Co.; Request for a Conditional  
Use Permit for the Establishment of a Contractor’s Storage Yard pursuant  
to 15.330(4). Recommending to approve the issuance of a Conditional  
Use Permit to McMullen & Pitz Construction Company for the  
establishment of a Contractor's Equipment Storage Yard in a I-1 Light  
Industrial zoning district pursuant to the conditions  
PC 2-2023: Annual Review of Community Living Arrangements pursuant to  
MMC 15.370(19)b. Pursuant to section 15.370(19) the Plan Commission  
has reviewed the Community Living Arrangements and is recommending  
to the Council to approve the associated licenses for the Community Living  
Arrangements for 2023  
1. Committee of the Whole  
Resolution to hire Shawn Alfred as Finance Director/Treasuer for the City of  
Manitowoc, effective February 27, 2023  
Report of Special Event Committee recommending approval for the following  
events subject to Council action: Wisconsin Sand Sculpting Festival on  
7/11/2023-7/16/2023 (Extension of park hours to accommodate overnight  
security); Memorial Day Parade on 5/29/2023 (Approval of road closure for  
parade, please see attached application)  
Resolution to Censure Alder Steven Czekala for Inappropriate Conduct  
2. Finance Committee  
Ordinance to Adjust Rates for Sewer Service Charges Effective March 1, 2023  
Resolution Terminating TIF District No. 17 and Authorizing Treasurer to  
Distribute Excess Increment to Overlying Taxing Districts  
Resolution to Extend Tax Increment Financing District No. 17 to Fund Healthy  
Neighborhood Initiative  
Resolution Authorizing Staff to Apply to the Wisconsin Department of Natural  
Resources ("DNR") Wisconsin Assessment Monies ("WAM") Program for a  
Portion of the River Point District  
Ordinance to Amend Section 20.040 of the Manitowoc Municipal Code  
regulating Bi-Weekly Pay for Certain Employees  
Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Establishing Parameters for the Sale  
of Not to Exceed $6,130,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes  
Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,600,000 General  
Obligation Promissory Notes and Authorizing the Issuance and Establishing  
Parameters for the Sale of Not to Exceed $3,600,000 Note Anticipation Notes in  
Anticipation Thereof  
Scope of Engagement Re: Proposed Issuance of Not to Exceed $6,130,000  
City of Manitowoc (the "City") General Obligation Promissory Notes (the  
Scope of Engagement Re: Proposed Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,600,000  
City of Manitowoc (the "City") Note Anticipation Notes (the "Securities")  
Report of Industrial Development Corporation relative to the Option and Right of  
First Refusal for Beamaco Precision Machining & Fabrication, for property  
located at West Drive and 59th Street (Parcel: 449-004-040)  
3. Personnel Committee  
Request for Residency Accommodation-Fire Department-Tews  
Request for Residency Accommodation-Fire Department-Loberger  
4. Public Infrastructure Committee  
Municipal Water Agreement with various property owners  
Bay Lake Technical Assistance Grant for Calumet Ave Corridor Concept Plan &  
Lakefront Park Beach Access Concept Plan  
Tree Removal & Sidewalk Replacement at 1901 Marshall Street  
Resolution Authorizing Emergency Repairs to the Eighth Street Lift Bridge  
Ordinance to amend Section 8.170 of the MMC to rename Clay Pit Road Park  
to Manitowoc Chief's Youth Football Park  
5. Public Safety Committee  
Ordinance to create section 10.460 of the MMC regulating parking of  
recreational vehicles (RV's) and truck campers on City streets.  
6. Plan Commission  
PC 25-2022: Brian & Laura Stecker, Petition for Detachment of Territory  
from the City of Manitowoc pursuant to § 66.0227 located at 7121 Dutch  
Ordinance to rezone property from "B-3" General Business District to "R-7"  
Central Residence District for property generally located along the west of S.  
9th Street, the south side of Hamilton Street and the north side of Madison  
PC 3-2023: East Point Land Development/Howe; Review of Subdivision  
Preliminary Plat for The Preserves at Lincoln Park; Parcel# 817-304-010  
1.Next Scheduled Common Council Meeting: Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:30pm in the  
Common Council Chambers at City Hall.  
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the City  
of Manitowoc will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of  
disability in its services, programs, or activities. If you need assistance or reasonable  
accommodations in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the  
ADA, please call the City Clerk's office at 920-686-6950 or the City’s ADA Coordinator at (920)  
686-6990 or e-mail cityattorney@manitowoc.org at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting or  
event to request an accommodation. For additional assistance, individuals with hearing or speech  
disabilities can call 711 and be connected to a telephone relay system.  
Mackenzie Reed  
City Clerk