correspondence they received from WPS and asked if there was something
being built. G. Minikel explained that they refer to gas main as a facility and will
be replacing on the north end. Mr. Nickels said he's not in favor of removing the
islands. He complained about people leaving dog droppings and was
wondering if the City would install a sign referencing our Ordinance to clean up
after pets.
Andy Langer (via Zoom), 1244 Fleetwood Drive, asked if there were any costs
associated with property owners. G. Minikel responded that there will not be
any costs passed onto the property owners. He also questioned the start time
for the project as well as how long it would take. He is in favor of removing the
G. Minikel said it would take longer if the islands were to go back in. The project
will take approximately 3 months and 2-4 weeks longer with islands.
Mark Nickels, 3104 Wildwood Drive, asked if we would match Fleetwood to
where it tapers out and G. Minikel said that we would match it.
Nancy Duckart, 1234 Fleetwood Drive, said she doesn't mind going around the
islands to get to her driveway.
G. Minikel explained that the property owners are not assessed for this work due
to the Wheel Tax. It is a large savings not putting the islands back in.
Steve Grant, 3016 Fleetrun Court, expressed concern if we remove the islands
it will become a speed trap. He would like islands to remain.
Vicky Grant, 3016 Fleetrun Court, said the road is beat up from other
construction that took place in the area. She as well feels if the islands are
gone it will become a speed trap.
Kumar Kangayappan, 1220 Fleetwood Drive was present and said he would like
the islands to remain.
G. Minikle said the remainder of Fleetwood Drive doesn't have islands. He
informed the property owners that there are trees to be removed, however, the
plan will replace a tree with a tree and possibly adding more. The would keep
one side open at all times, due to the cul-de-sacs.
Barb Sitkiewitz, 1240 Fleetwood Drive said it is a speed trap now.
The Committee informed the constituents that this will be discussed at the
upcoming Common Council meeting and encouraged the property owners to
A motion was made by William DeBaets, seconded by Chad Beeman, that the
islands on Fleetwood Drive to remain and this will be referred to council. The
motion carried by the following vote:
4 - Reckelberg, Beeman, Boldt and DeBaets
Zoo Donation Tube Request for Electrical Replacement for Zoo Pond,
recommending approval