900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Police and Fire Commission  
Tuesday, June 11, 2024  
4:30 PM  
Public Safety Building Lower Level  
Note: This meeting will also be held via Remote  
Conferencing Software (Zoom)  
1. Call to Order  
2. Roll Call  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  
3. Public Comment  
No Public Comment  
4. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Moved by Zigmunt, seconded by Sauer, to accept the Consent Agenda Items and  
recommendations of the various committees The motion carried by the following  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  
May 2024 Police and Fire Commission Minutes  
May 2024 Police Department Monthly Report  
May 2024 Fire Rescue Department Monthly Report  
April 2024 Building Inspection Monthly Report  
May 2024 Building Inspection Monthly Report  
5. Convene in Closed Session  
A motion was made by Ed Vander Bloomen, seconded by Matthew Sauer, that  
this meeting convene in closed session at 4:36 p.m. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during  
the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the  
governmental body to convene in closed session for the purpose of considering financial, medical,  
social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of  
specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where  
par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect  
upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems  
or investigations.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
Police Department Employee Performance Update  
Fire Rescue Department Employee Performance Update  
(Closed Session portion of the Minutes has been redacted)  
6. Reconvene in Open Session  
A motion was made by Ted Zigmunt, seconded by Matthew Sauer, that this  
meeting reconvene in open session at 5:15 p.m. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  
Police Department Employee Performance Update  
Moved by Zigmunt, seconded by Vander Bloomen, that this Communication be  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  
Fire Rescue Department Employee Performance Update  
Moved by Vander Bloomen, seconded by Sauer, that this Communication be  
placed on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  
7. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Ted Zigmunt, seconded by Ed Vander Bloomen, that this  
meeting be adjourned at 5:18 p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 - Vander Bloomen, Sauer, Zigmunt and Wellner  
1 - Schema  