900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Personnel Committee  
Monday, February 7, 2022  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via Remote  
1. Call to Order  
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
Jessie Lillibridge, Kathleen McDaniel, Todd Blaser, Shawn Alfred, and Debbie  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Czekala, Schlei and Cummings  
3. Public Comment  
4. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Approval of the January 3, 2022 Personnel Committee Minutes  
Review of Legal Fees Billed out Through January, 2022-Human Resources  
Report out on Health Plan Funding  
Report out of Human Resources Initiatives February, 2022  
Report out of City Attorney's Initiatives February, 2022  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Schlei, to accept the Consent Agenda Items as  
presented. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Czekala, Schlei and Cummings  
5. Discussion and Action Items  
Staffing Overlap Request-Fire Rescue Department  
Chief Blaser explained the reasoning for the overlap request which is  
prompted by being down three positions currently and there are planned  
resignations coming up soon. Requesting the overlap for a month to have  
the ability to start recruit class with six candidates.  
Moved by Czekala, seconded by Vanderkin, to approve the staffing overlap  
request for the Fire Rescue Department and refer to Council. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Czekala, Schlei and Cummings  
Request to Approve Municipal Court Clerk Position Reclassification  
Human Resources Director Jessie Lillibridge explained the reclassification  
request to the committee which included reviewing the job description and  
sending it to Carlson Dettmann for review. The recommendation from  
Carlson Dettmann was to move the position up a grade from F where it is  
currently to grade G.  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Cummings, to approve the request to reclassify  
the Municipal Court Clerk position and refer Council. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Czekala, Schlei and Cummings  
6. Adjournment  
Moved by Vanderkin, seconded by Schlei, that this meeting be adjourned at 5:44  
p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Sitkiewitz, Vanderkin, Czekala, Schlei and Cummings  
Submitted by Debbie Charney, Human Resources Generalist