900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, January 25, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
The meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order by Acting  
Chairman J. Brey at 6:00 PM.  
7 -  
Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Dave Diedrich, Daniel Hornung, Dan Koski, Dennis  
Steinbrenner and Jim Brey  
1 - Mayor Nickels  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Jen Bartz  
Others Present: Barry Schardt, Jeremy Anderson, Mike Howe, Kyle Root  
Approval of Minutes of the December 21, 2022 Plan Commission meeting.  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Hornung, that the Minutes of the December 21,  
2022 meeting be approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 4-2023: East Point Land Development/Howe; Request for a  
Conditional Use Permit for the Creation of a Planned Unit Development  
(PUD) pursuant to 15.750; recommending to approve the Conditional Use  
Permit creating the Planned Unit Development for The Preserve at Lincoln  
P. Braun detailed the location of the proposed 34-lot subdivision - 33 of  
which will be buildable lots. He stated that the reason for Conditional Use  
Permit (CUP) and Planned Unit Development (PUD) is to allow for flexibility  
in the setbacks from typical residential setbacks, which will be reduced per  
the PUD. He stated that lots are larger than what are the minimum required  
in the R-4 Single and Two Family zoning district. He added that all drives  
and utilities will be private and there will be no costs to City for installation  
or future maintenance.  
P. Braun's report indicated that notices were sent to neighbors and no  
concerns were received.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked the Commissioners for questions.  
D. Hornung stated that he is in support and added that the water main will  
be public and not private per Public Service Commission requirements. D.  
Diedrich added that this project is a good example of what we learned in  
the housing study about the need to be flexible with development. G.  
Jagemann added that he is in support of the infill development.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked for public input. There was none.  
Paul read recommendation to approve the CUP for the development of a  
Moved by Diedrich, seconded by Jagemann, that the Request for a Conditional  
Use Permit for the Creation of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) pursuant to  
15.750 be approved and referred to Council. The motion carried by the following  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 5-2023: Empire Estates, LLC / Kyle Root; Rezone from B-3 General  
Business District to R-7 Central Resident District for property located at  
1210 South 9th Street  
P. Braun reviewed the request and noted that the applicant was converting  
a residential property from two-family to three-family. During remodeling  
Mr. Root found that it was zoned B-3 General Business, which meant his  
residential use was a legal non-conforming use. P. Braun stated that the  
original request was for the 1210 S. 9th Street property only, but it was a  
staff recommendation to rezone a larger area removing other similar  
properties from the non-conforming status. Residential properties along S.  
10th Street were not included because they had characters similar to  
properties along a commercial or business corridor.  
P. Braun's report indicated that notices were sent to neighbors and no  
comments were received.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked the Commissioners for questions. There  
were none.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked for public input. There was none.  
P. Braun read the recommendation to approve the rezone of the larger  
area located in Block 317 of the original plat, generally located along the  
west of S. 9th Street, the south side of Hamilton Street and the north side of  
Madison Street.  
Moved by Koski, seconded by Diedrich, that the Rezone from B-3 General  
Business District to R-7 Central Resident District be approved and referred to  
council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 6-2023: McMullen & Pitz Construction Co.; Request for a Conditional  
Use Permit for the Establishment of a Contractor’s Storage Yard pursuant  
to 15.330(4). Recommending to approve the issuance of a Conditional  
Use Permit to McMullen & Pitz Construction Company for the  
establishment of a Contractor's Equipment Storage Yard in a I-1 Light  
Industrial zoning district pursuant to the conditions  
P. Braun reviewed the project location and stated that the applicant,  
McMullen & Pitz, has an agreement to purchase the property if a  
Conditional Use Permit is approved. He added that the applicant will move  
product from the current contractor lay down location on River Point to the  
proposed CUP site. He added that McMullen & Pitz has indicated that the  
site will not be used on a daily basis. He reviewed the conditions with the  
P. Braun stated that notices were sent to neighbors and no concerns were  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked the Commissioners for questions. There  
were none.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked for public input.  
Barry Schardt, 801 S Rapids Road, stated that he owns the adjoining  
property on Custer Street and expressed concerns with storm water and  
drainage. He stated that it is a tree-filled lot, which will require a lot of  
excavation. He added that while letters were mailed on 1/18, did not  
receive until 1/23. He stated he was opposed to the project.  
Jeremy Anderson, 816 S 24th Street, stated that he represents McMullen &  
Pitz and noted that they are working with a storm water engineer to  
address any drainage issues. He added that the property has been  
inspected and they are working through Wisconsin DNR permits regarding  
any grading at the site. He stated that McMullen & Pitz anticipates growing  
slowly into the full area of the site and added it should not affect the  
neighboring property in the near term.  
D. Diedrich asked why a CUP is required if property is zoned I-1 Light  
Industrial. P. Braun stated that there are permitted uses and those that  
require a CUP. He added that the conditions allow for development of the  
site that is not a disruption to the neighborhood.  
Acting Chairman J. Brey asked about "screening" term. P. Braun said that  
the condition was written open ended to address site screening dependent  
on how the site develops. D. Hornung asked if a condition should be added  
to review the CUP in two years to stay in compliance. All agreed to add  
two-year review condition. The CUP will be reviewed at the January 2025  
Plan Commission meeting.  
P.Braun read the recommendation to approve with the amendment to  
review in two years to stay in compliance.  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Jagemann, that Request for a Conditional Use  
Permit for the Establishment of a Contractor’s Storage Yard pursuant to 15.330(4)  
be approved as amended with the additional two-year review condition and  
referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 5-2022: Update on the Comprehensive Plan Project. Discuss  
Comprehensive Plan Policy questions.  
P. Braun shared discussion topics regarding the update to the  
Comprehensive Plan. He stated that there were some over-arching policy  
statements that Vandewalle and Associates needed clarity on. He added,  
knowing that Mayor Nickels would be excused from the Plan Commission  
meeting, that he met with the Mayor to get his opinion on the policy  
questions in the Comprehensive Plan.  
D. Diedrch stated that the plan created in 2009 had substance, whereas he  
felt this one had more fluff and less action. Acting Chairman J. Brey  
Discussion ensued among the Commissioners regarding creation of a  
Stormwater Utility, use of Equity Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) language,  
possible development of a Climate Action Plan, and a focus on the  
Calumet Avenue corridor in anticipation of the impending reconstruction.  
The following was agreed upon:  
• Creation of a Stormwater Utility. Remove the language from plan and the  
Council could pursue the utility outside of the Comprehensive Plan, if  
• EDI Language: Keep language as currently used as diversity is a  
community asset.  
• Climate Action Plan / Resiliency / Sustainability. Retain in the plan, but  
soften language from must or will to shall or consider.  
• Calumet Avenue Corridor: Retain and strengthen the language in the plan  
to focus on improving pedestrian and bike accessibility and safety; also  
investigate "road diet" strategies seeing if redesigns to the vehicle lanes  
are practical in addition to improving aesthetics along the corridor.  
This Comprehensive Plan Update was discussed.  
PC 2-2023: Annual Review of Community Living Arrangements pursuant to  
MMC 15.370(19)b. Pursuant to section 15.370(19) the Plan Commission  
has reviewed the Community Living Arrangements and is recommending  
to the Council to approve the associated licenses for the Community Living  
Arrangements for 2023  
P. Braun stated that there were no issues reported from the Police,  
Building Inspection, Fire or Clerk Departments.  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Koski, that Annual Review of Community Living  
Arrangements pursuant to MMC 15.370(19)b be approved for consent agenda. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 3-2023: East Point Land Development/Howe; Review of Subdivision  
Preliminary Plat for The Preserves at Lincoln Park; Parcel# 817-304-010  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Jagemann, that the Review of Subdivision  
Preliminary Plat for The Preserves at Lincoln Park be approved for consent  
agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
A. Manitowoc County Activities:  
Acting Chairman J. Brey shared that at the Manitowoc County Park &  
Planning Commission meeting a large crowd opposed the  
development. He added that the item was tabled and referred back to  
the Town of Manitowoc Rapids. He said that if the Town agrees to  
rezone the property again, the item will go back to Manitowoc County  
Planning and Park Commission for their recommendation.  
P. Braun shared information about the rezone from EA-Exclusive  
Agriculture to RR-Rural Residential and the overall project. He added  
that in the RR zoning district, residential uses are a permitted use and  
mini warehouses are allowed only after issuance of a Conditional Use  
Permit. He said that if the Town of Manitowoc Rapids approves the  
rezone, the Manitowoc County Board of Adjustment would act on the  
Conditional Use Permit. P. Braun stated that the Community  
Development Department is not opposed to the rezoning to RR  
because that district allows residential uses which are consistent with  
the Future Land Use Map but the RR district also allows  
mini-warehouses as a conditional use.  
P. Braun added that the City's Future Land Use Map indicates the area  
as residential. He said that the City's B-2 zoning district would be the  
recommended zoning if the property was in the City and that district  
would not allow mini- warehouse units. P. Braun, stated that an  
aggressive option the City could pursue would be to create a  
moratorium which freezes the zoning. He added that the City could  
write a letter in opposition to the project. He added that Manitowoc  
County would prefer to receive written communication from City to  
understand the City's position on the proposed development.  
Conversation ensued among members that the rezone does not seem  
to be highest and best use of the area. Members asked if property  
could be used as residential. P. Braun indicated yes it could.  
Members agreed a letter of opposition should be written and sent to  
Manitowoc County Planning and Park Commission and Town of  
Manitowoc Rapids, with a copy to neighbors and other key  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Steinbrenner, that a letter of opposition be  
written by staff, reviewed by D. Diedrich and sent to key stakeholders and  
neighbors. The Item was placed on file. The motion carried by the following  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM): None  
C. Summary of Site Plans:  
1. SP 1-2023: Rent in Manitowoc LLC/Lighthall, Self-Storage Facility Expansion, 2625 Hamilton  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Jagemann, that the meeting be adjourned at  
7:20PM. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Diedrich, Member Hornung, Member  
Koski, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey