900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Agenda  
Personnel Committee  
Monday, April 1, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers-Meeting is also available via  
Remote Conferencing-Zoom  
Pursuant to Section 19.84(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby  
given to the public, to the Herald-Times-Reporter, the official newspaper of  
Manitowoc, and to those news media who have filed a written request for this notice  
that a meeting of the above-referenced will be held at the date, time and location  
listed above.  
This meeting is being conducted both in Council Chambers at City Hall and via Zoom  
the meeting via Zoom who wish to give public input are asked to keep their  
microphone muted until public input is opened to improve audio quality for all  
attendees. Those using their phone to call in may hit *6 to mute and unmute  
This meeting will be held in Council Chambers and also via remote conferencing  
1-312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 839 6086 1541, Password: 886723. Those wishing to  
make public comment should email humanresources@manitowoc.org or call  
920-686-6993 with their comment no later than 12:00 p.m. Central the day of the  
Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Common Council of the City of  
Manitowoc, or a standing committee of that body, may be present at this meeting to  
gather information about the subject matter over which they have decision making  
The above governmental body will meet to discuss and possibly take action on the  
agenda items set forth below.  
1. Call to Order  
2. Roll Call  
3. Public Comment  
4. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Approval of March 4, 2024 Personnel Committee Minutes  
Review of Legal Fees Billed out Through March, 2024-Human  
Report out of Human Resource's Office Initiatives April, 2024  
Report out of City Attorney's Office Initiatives April, 2024  
5. Discussion and Action Items  
Request for Resolution to Hire Seasonal Employees Related to Elected  
Officials, Department Heads, or Supervisory Personnel  
Seasonal Police Assistant Pay  
Duty Pay Rate for 2024  
6. Convene In Closed Session  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during  
the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the  
governmental body to convene in closed session for the purpose of considering employment,  
promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the  
governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
One-Time Bonus for Kevin Bottesi, Transit Operations Supervisor  
Notice is hereby given that the above governmental body may adjourn into a closed session during  
the meeting as authorized by Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which authorizes the  
governmental body to convene in closed session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the  
purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public  
business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.  
The specific subject matter that may be considered in closed session is:  
Manitowoc Firefighters Local 368 Grievance Update  
7. Reconvene In Open Session  
One-Time Bonus for Kevin Bottesi, Transit Operations Supervisor  
Manitowoc Firefighters Local 368 Grievance Update  
8. Adjournment  
Submitted by Debbie Charney, Human Resources Generalist