900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Public Infrastructure Committee  
Wednesday, December 6, 2023  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers and Remotely (via Zoom)  
1. Call to Order  
Chairman S. Czekala called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
2. Roll Call  
Staff Present: D. Koski, G. Minikel, C. Hall, A. Tegen, S. Birr, Jeremy Walvoord  
(via Zoom)  
Others Present: Katherine Wendt, Mike & Wendy Miller, Soua Yang, Scott  
Habermann, Wayne Franz, Christine Wendell, Joan & Ted Polzin, Conor  
Benham, Allan Brixius, Amber Daugs, Steven LeClair, Elroy Kocourek, Amy  
3. Public Comment  
Allan Brixius, Chairman for Committee on Aging, was present. He said he will  
become more active and involved with the Committee and Senior Center.  
4. Presentations  
5. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of the Minutes from the November 1st Public Infrastructure  
Committee Meeting  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Minutes from November 1st Public Infrastructure  
Committee were approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Report from Committee on Aging - November 18th, 2023 Minutes  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Report from Committee on Aging was approved. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
6. Discussion and Action Items  
Request for Farmer's Market to be relocated to South 8th Street  
(Washington Street to Quay Street)  
S. Czekala said he wanted to start discussion about the possibility of the  
Farmer's Market to move to S. 8th Street. He was approached and wanted to  
hear from members and public.  
Amber Daugs was present and said as the former Farmer's Marketing  
Manager, she is excited about possibly having the market on 8th Street. She  
said this will benefit the vendors as the lot is running out of room. She believes  
the businesses will benefit from a market on the street as well. She said the  
market would increase foot traffic.  
Scott Habermann was present and is very optimistic about moving the market.  
Steve LeClair was present and was in favor of market moving as well. He said  
it is hot in the lot. There is no parking and the lot is running out of room as the  
market is growing.  
Conor Benham was present and was opposed to the idea of the market  
moving. He said it is convenient to go in and set up early and have your truck  
for replenishing. He said there is plenty of downtown parking. He also  
mentioned monies that were collected from vendors in the market for lot  
improvements. This included electrical for certain vendors. He wanted to know  
if the businesses were contacted, if so, how they felt.  
Christine Wendell, Market Manager, was present and said we have an amazing  
market. The market is growing and not every vendor has just one spot, some  
have 2-3 spots. Many vendors need electrical and bringing in extra produce  
would be a hassle.  
T. Reckleberg asked if he could get a copy of the Farmer's Market Lot and how  
the spaces are mapped out. Ms. Wendell said she will get this for him.  
The Committee requested that Engineering put together a plan by meeting in  
February. This plan should include power needs, traffic flow and space.MC is in  
favor of moving the market. 2 way streets we can have this discussion.  
Adam Tegen was present and said it is worth looking into. The monies that  
were collected covered the Market manager's salary, port a pots, power,  
everything that runs the market. Surface needed to be improved and money  
was put back into the lot.  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, for Engineering to put together a plan with measurements and bring back  
to the February Public Infrastructure meeting. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Request for a Pumping Station Mural Project  
Bob Yanda was present via zoom. He would like permission to wrap pump  
station with a mural. The pump station is adjacent to the Little Manitowoc  
Prairie and would like it to be a prairie theme.  
He is looking to apply for a grant. D. Koski informed the Committee that he  
doesn't see an issue with this project and there is a Mural Committee that  
approves mural designs.  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Request for a pumping station mural was approved and  
referred to council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
WPS WR 3380605 Easement City of Manitowoc Property 3130 Hecker  
Rd; recommending to deny the easement  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the WPS Easement was denied for Consent Agenda. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Request for Sidewalk along Magnolia Avenue; recommending to place on  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Member Chad  
Beeman, that the Request for sidewalk along Magnolia Avenue was placed on  
file for Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Approval of the Revised Senior Center Handbook; recommending  
C. Hall informed the Committee that the new Senior Center handbook has been  
revised. They are changing the age from 55 to 50 said there is a new  
handbook. Major changes , the membership age is changed to 50 instead of  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the Senior Center Handbook was approved for consent agenda. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Approval of Revised 2024 Manitowoc Senior Center Membership  
Application Form; recommending approval  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the Senior Center Membership Application Form was approved for  
consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
2024 Public Works Program Resolution  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the Public Works Program Resolution was approved and referred to  
council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
2024 Dust Palliative Resolution  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the Dust Palliatives Resolution was approved and referred to council.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
2024 City-Wide Sidewalk Construction & Repair Program Resolution  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the City-Wide Sidewalk Resolution was approved for council. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Strand Associates, Inc Agreement for Technical Services; recommending  
to enter into the agreement  
G. Minikel explained that the Agreement was expired and a new Master  
Agreement for Technical Services with task orders for each project.  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Strand Associates Agreement for Technical Services was  
entered into for Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Rheaume Park and Pulaski Park Furnace Replacement; recommending  
C. Hall informed the Committee that he is looking to replace two furnaces at  
Rheaume Park and Pulaski Park. CAWG had already approved.  
T. Reckelberg is not in favor and said people close cabins down all the time. C.  
Hall said that the buildings that are equipped with heat do not weather well and  
will suffer plumbing issues and chipping paint.  
D. Koski explained that they did it by the rules and submitted through CAWG  
which is the process.  
M. Cummings said that winter is hard on roads and buildings.  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Member Chad  
Beeman, that the Request for furnace replacement at Rheaume Park and Pulaski  
Park was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following  
4 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala and Boldt  
1 - Reckelberg  
7. Previously Tabled Items  
8. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  