900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Common Council  
Monday, October 17, 2022  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Note: this meeting will also be held via remote conferencing  
software (Zoom)  
10 -  
Alderpersons Present:  
Jim Brey, Eric Sitkiewitz, Steven Czekala, Bill Schlei, Brett Vanderkin, Chad  
Beeman, Michael Cummings, Tim Boldt, Todd Reckelberg and Darian Kaderabek  
City Clerk administers Oath of Office and Badge Pinning of Firefighter /  
Paramedic Craig Buyske  
Presentation from Mayor Nickels on the 2023 Executive Budget  
6:31 PM - Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing objections to proposed  
assessments to property owners for abatement of nuisance Parks Forestry  
Mayor declared the meeting open for a public hearing on this matter.  
City Clerk reported that the notice of the public hearing was published in  
the Herald Times Reporter on October 3, 2022 and October 10, 2022.  
(Proof of publication is on file in the City Clerk's Office)  
Don Klein spoke to object his assessment.  
Mayor declared the public hearing closed. (A recording of the entire public  
hearing is on file in the City Clerk's Office).  
Moved by Cummings, seconded by Brey, to refer Don Klein's assessment appeal  
to Board of Public Works. The motion carried by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
1. Removal of Consent Agenda Items  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
Moved by Czekala, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to accept the Consent Agenda Items  
and recommendations of the various committees The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
2. Miscellaneous  
Minutes of the September 19, 2022 Common Council meeting, recommending  
approval and place on file  
Attachments: Minutes 9-19-22  
Minutes of October 3, 2022 Common Council Special Meeting, recommending  
approval and place on file  
Attachments: Minutes 10-3-22  
3. Committee of the Whole (Consent)  
Report of the Special Events Committee relative approval of the following  
events:Trunk or Treat on 10/29/2022 (cancelled); Waiver of Fees: Izaak Walton  
Appreciation Dinner on 10/13/2022; Shelltrack on 01/07/2023; Waiver of Fees:  
Astronaut Raja Chari Get Together on 10/28/2022; 56th Annual Roncalli Cross  
Country Invite on 09/09/2023; recommending acceptance of report and place on  
Attachments: SEC Acted On.pdf  
4. Finance Committee (Consent)  
Request to increase the City Clerk Credit Card limit from $2,000 to $5,000 due  
to the promotion to Department Head; recommending to approve the request  
CAWG Request from Department of Public Infrastructure - Engineering for  
RRFB Crosswalk Signage at South 23rd & Dewey Street; recommending to  
approve the request for $8,000  
Claims Report January 2022 - September 2022; recommending to accept and  
place on file  
3rd Quarter CAWG Listing Report; recommending to accept and place on file  
3rd Quarter Fraud Detection and Prevention Report; recommending to accept  
and place on file  
Granicus Renewal Agreement for Term of 12.1.2022 to 11.30.2023;  
recommending to enter into the agreement  
General City Claims in the amount of $3,306,115.54 enumerated on list thereof,  
recommending that the claims be allowed and ordered paid and Mayor, Clerk  
and Finance Director/Treasurer are instructed to issue the necessary order  
5. Personnel Committee (Consent)  
6. Public Infrastructure Committee (Consent)  
Strand Associates Proposal/Task Order for Design of South 19th Street Lift  
Station Rehabilitation, recommending approval of the task order with Strand  
Lincoln Park Land Sale - Howe, recommending entering into negotiations with  
monies to stay within the Lincoln Park Fund  
Silver Creek Park Land Sale - Hanson, recommending entering into negotiations  
and monies to remain in Silver Creek Park Fund  
Request for Waiver of Fees for the Family Ties Event for Hmong Community  
September 2022 through December 2023, recommending approval of fee  
Reallocation of funding for East Shed Insulation Project funds for purchase of a  
Mezzanine System, recommending approval  
Lakeside Blvd Multi-Use Path, recommending placing on file  
Forestry Fund and Fee to Remove/Replace Tree due to Accident,  
recommending approval  
Request to use Donation Tube Funds to Install Water to Llama Barn,  
recommending approval  
South 16th Street - WAF's Proposed Gas Pipes Crossing City Right of Way,  
recommending approval with agreement in place  
Report of Board of Public Works of 9/28/2022 for 2nd and final payment of  
$4,069.69 to Highway Landscapers for 2022 Remove & Replace Sidewalks,  
WS-22-3; recommending payment  
Report of Board of Public Works of final payments to contractors for  
agreements under $25,000.00, recommending acceptance and place on file  
Abatement of Nuisance Report; recommending to approve and assess  
*Clerk's Note: Don Klein's Appeal will be referred to Board of Public Works  
7. Public Safety Committee (Consent)  
8. Plan Commission (Consent)  
1. Committee of the Whole  
2. Finance Committee  
Finance Committee review and recommendation of applicants for open MPU  
Commission position  
A nomination was on the floor to elect Alex Allie to the MPU Commission. There  
being no other nominations, it was moved by Brey, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to  
close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot electing Alex Allie to the MPU  
Commission for a five year term ending September 30, 2027. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Review and Possible Action on Potential River Point Property Purchase  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to enter into negotiations with Tycore for  
the sale of this property. The motion carried by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
L22-00045 VANDENHOUTEN Claim (2304 S 13th Street) sewer backup/broken  
sewer lateral $9,679.87  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Schlei, to offer a payment of $4,840.00. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 - Brey, Schlei, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt and Reckelberg  
4 - Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Vanderkin and Kaderabek  
Update from Manitowoc Public Utilities on the Wastewater Treatment Facility  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Sitkiewitz, to accept and place on file. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
3. Personnel Committee  
4. Public Infrastructure Committee  
Request from Hamann Construction for approval to build over an easement at  
2901 Calumet Avenue  
Moved by Cummings, seconded by Brey, that this Request be approved  
contingent on the agreement with the property owner who would pay for the  
sewer and uilding in the event of sewer failure replacement. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Report of Board of Public Works of 9/28/2022 for a request to rescind special  
assessment for access to S. 41st Street  
Moved by Cummings, seconded by Brey, that this Report be accepted and placed  
on file. The motion carried by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Report of Board of Public Works of 10/17/2022, of bids received for 2022 Tree  
& Stump Removal, WO-22-26  
Moved by Cummings, seconded by Brey, to award to low bidder, Treeo's Tree  
Service, Inc., in the amount of $45,785.27. The motion carried by the following  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
5. Public Safety Committee  
Discussion regarding the parking spot lease agreement.  
Moved by Schlei, seconded by Reckelberg, to revisit the lease agreement terms  
for 2023. The motion carried by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
6. Plan Commission  
Moved by Czekala, seconded by Sitkiewitz, that this meeting be adjourned at  
7:23 p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:  
10 -  
Brey, Sitkiewitz, Czekala, Schlei, Vanderkin, Beeman, Cummings, Boldt,  
Reckelberg and Kaderabek  
Mackenzie Reed-Kadow  
City Clerk