900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Plan Commission  
Wednesday, December 21, 2022  
5:00 PM  
Council Chambers. Meeting also available via  
Zoom remote conferencing software.  
The meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman J.  
NIckels at 5:00 pm.  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Dan Koski, Dennis Steinbrenner and  
Jim Brey  
2 - Dave Diedrich and Daniel Hornung  
Staff Present: Paul Braun, Adam Tegen, Jen Bartz  
Others Present: Jackie Mich, Elias Vareldzis, Laura & Brian Stecker  
Approval of Minutes of the October 26, 2022 Plan Commission meeting.  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Koski, that the Minutes of the October 26, 2022  
meeting be approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
6 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Koski, Member  
Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
PC 25-2022: Brian & Laura Stecker, Petition for Detachment of Territory  
from the City of Manitowoc pursuant to § 66.0227 located at 7121 Dutch  
P. Braun reviewed the location, petition and detachment proceedings per  
state statute. He said that the property is zoned R-1 Residential-Agricultural  
and that there are no city utilities serving the property. He stated that the  
property was annexed in 1999 by Don and Arlene Umnus with intentions of  
subdividing for residential uses. In 2005, a concept plan laying out a  
subdivision was prepared by a developer but the subdivision was never  
constructed. The subject property was purchased by the Steckers in 2016  
with their residence being constructed in 2018.  
P. Braun stated that the property is located in the City's Sanitary Sewer  
Service Area and is also shown as single and two-family residential urban  
on the Comprehensive Plan's future land use.  
P. Braun read his recommendation to deny the detachment petition based  
on the history of the ownership and the property being located in the  
sanitary sewer service area. He then described the next steps of the  
detachment process.  
D. Koski asked if the referendum would be a City or Town referendum. P.  
Braun said it would be a City referendum, but further clarification from the  
Attorney's Office may be needed to insure that the statute's were being  
followed properly.  
L. Stecker reviewed the background of their petition and rationale. She  
noted that Pozorski Waste pick up does not see them as residents of the  
City per their service area and that drivers education will not pick up at their  
home even though they are in the City Limits. She added that there are no  
street lights, street sweeper services or other benefits of city services.  
J. Brey said that he normally would not approve, but this property is so far  
out of the city he would support the request.  
G. Jagemann said that he understands their concerns with the lack of  
available City services, but noted that future services are planned to the  
area and it is also near the industrial park.  
B. Stecker asked if adding the service under the railroad tracks was in the  
plan in 2016 when they purchased the property. P. Braun added the sewer  
service plan was done in 2016.  
B. Stecker asked if they detached and services were expanded, could they  
decide to annex back into the city?  
B. Stecker asked if service under railroad tracks was on books at 2016.  
Chairman J. Nickels said that the plan was approved and explained the  
rationale behind the extra steps in the detachment process. He advised the  
Steckers that their Alderman is Steve Czekala and he would be their  
contact prior to the Common Council meeting in January.  
Moved by Brey, seconded by Steinbrenner, that the Petition for Detachment of  
Territory from the City of Manitowoc pursuant to § 66.0227 located at 7121 Dutch  
Road be referred to the Common Council. The motion failed by the following  
3 - Member Hall, Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
3 - Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann and Member Koski  
7 -  
Mayor Nickels, Greg Jagemann, Curtis Hall, Daniel Hornung, Dan Koski, Dennis  
Steinbrenner and Jim Brey  
1 - Dave Diedrich  
Member Dan Hornung Arrived at 5:34 pm.  
5-2022: Update on the Comprehensive Plan Project.  
J. Mich and E. Vareldzis from VandeWalle & Associates, the  
Comprehensive Plan Consultant, presented an overview of the  
Comprehensive Plan update. They reviewed project goals and provided a  
high level overview of document revisions. They also reviewed the vision  
framework, key strategies and the future land use map for the plan. They  
also explained the Calumet Avenue corridor special focus area that will  
look into existing and future land uses, in addition to enhancements to the  
corridor's aesthetics and bike and pedestrian improvements. The Calumet  
Avenue focus study is being done in anticipation of the corridor's  
reconstruction that is planned in the next 10 years.  
Discussion ensued regarding the creation and adoption of a Climate  
Action Plan.  
Discussion ensued regarding whether the City should explore establishing  
a stormwater utility. All agreed it would likely deter new development. A  
new utility tax may be difficult to create at this time due to the State's limits  
on increasing taxes.  
J. Brey stated that he agrees with planning for the I-43/Waldo interchange,  
but noted the City does not have jurisdiction. He asked what the City can  
do to encourage the highest and best development at the interchange area.  
J. Mich said that the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction area is within city review  
and this is a critical location within Manitowoc County for the highest and  
best use development.  
D. Steinbrenner asked how City could support affordable childcare. J.  
Mich provided the example of leasing space in city-owned buildings for  
low-rent space.  
D. Steinbrenner asked what percent of previous plan was implemented. P.  
Braun said that there is no specific percentage, but noted that the  
Manitowoc County Expo Grounds Plan and Downtown Plan were driven by  
current plan.  
Conversation ensued among members about the setting of a periodic  
review for Comp Plan Update priorities.  
D. Steinbrenner asked how municipalities pick and choose or set  
priorities. J. Mich said that prioritization for budget purposes should be  
done post-plan approval.  
Discussion ensued about topics including the periodic review, childcare,  
place-making and quality of life, utility success and more.  
Members asked P. Braun to review the Official Map street pattern in the  
Extraterritorial Review area to ensure accuracy.  
This item was discussed.  
PC 26-2022: GMX Real Estate Group Acquisitions LLC, Sale of  
City-Owned Property located at 4221 Dewey Street (Parcel: 835401020)  
A. Tegen said that the formal action was taken at Council, but it is coming  
to Plan Commission as information.  
He noted that the location is the former Visitor Information Center (VIC)  
property and the end use is to be determined at this time. The anticipated  
closing date will be in January or February of 2023.  
P. Braun added that the property will need to be rezoned since it is  
currently zoned P-1 Conservancy.  
This Item was placed on file.  
PC 27-2022: City of Manitowoc Lease with Manitowoc Public Utilities for  
Gravel Pit Property located at 3130 Hecker Road (Parcel: 802203000)  
A. Tegen said that the gravel pit has been identified as a location for a  
future solar field project by Manitowoc Public Utilities. As part of the solar  
project the extension of electrical utilities will be at MPU's expense. He said  
that the new services will run past the new industrial park. He added that it  
will be a 20-year lease with MPU, and MPU will sublease to provider.  
This Item was placed on file.  
A. Manitowoc County Activities: None  
B. Certified Survey Maps (CSM):  
1. Pfeffer; Part of SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 21, T19N, R23E, Town of Manitowoc Rapids  
C. Summary of Site Plans from October 15- December 15, 2022:  
1. SP 13-2022: Robinson Metals Building Addition, 2121 S 30th Street  
2. SP 14-2022: Titan Property Retail Center, 3180 Calumet Avenue  
Moved by Hornung, seconded by Koski, that the meeting be adjourned at 6:15  
pm. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Hornung, Member Koski,  
Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey  
7 -  
Mayor Nickels, Member Jagemann, Member Hall, Member Hornung, Member Koski,  
Member Steinbrenner and Alderperson Brey