900 Quay Street  
Manitowoc, WI 54220  
City of Manitowoc  
Meeting Minutes  
Public Infrastructure Committee  
Wednesday, March 6, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Council Chambers - And remote via Zoom  
1. Call to Order  
Chairman Czekala called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
2. Roll Call  
Staff Present: D. Koski, G. Minikel, S. Birr, C. Hall, B. Wetenkamp  
Others Present: Allan Brixius  
3. Public Comment  
4. Presentations  
5. Consent Agenda  
These items will be approved by one motion unless any Committee Member wishes to remove an  
item for discussion.  
Any Committee Member may request removal of any item from the Consent Agenda, and such item  
shall be removed without debate or vote. Any item or part thereof removed from the Consent  
Agenda shall be separately considered.  
Approval of the Minutes from the February 7, 2024 Public Infrastructure  
Committee Meeting  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Minutes for the February 7, 2024 meeting were approved.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
6. Discussion and Action Items  
Manitowoc Public School District Facility Use Agreement, recommending  
enter into agreement with MPSD  
D. Koski explained that this Agreement is a renewal of the annual Use  
Agreement with the Public School District. There were a few revisions made to  
include Summer School Programs, Middle School Cross Country, maintenance  
changes and the auto-renewal of agreement.  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the MPSD Facility Use Agreement was approved to Enter into  
Agreement and forwarded to Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Resolution to Authorize Application of WIDNR Targeted Runoff  
Management Grant (TRM)  
D. Koski explained that this Grant requires a 30% match. The matching fund  
will be utilitized from other grant funds designated for this project. The Grant is  
for stream restoration work at Silver Creek Park.  
T. Reckelberg requested moving forward that they would identify where the  
match will be funded from. D. Koski said they will note going forward.  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the request for Resolution to Authorize Application of WIDNR Targeted  
Runoff Management Grant and work with City Attorney to draft Resolution was  
approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Resolution to Authorize Application of Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm  
Water Management Grant (UNPS)  
D. Koski explained that this grant requires a 50% match. This is for the Urban  
Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Management Grant for the Wetland Aviary  
Project at the Lincoln Park Zoo.  
Matching funds will be utilized from Budgeted Capital Funds.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the request for Resolution to Authorize Application of Urban  
Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management Grant and work with City Attorney  
to draft Resolution was approved for consent agenda. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Request to enter into agreement with HMI for in-kind Concrete Repair  
D. Koski informed the Committee that we have been approached by Raise Rite  
Construction for a marketing strategy. They will do work on City property to  
provide training of different groups. There would be no cost to the City and  
Raise Rite would provide signed waivers along with Insurance to the City. The  
City Attorney was ok with the proposal. All waivers and Insurance would be  
submitted to City Attorney for approval.  
M. Cummings and T. Reckelberg said it will be a good thing for the City.  
C. Hall said the projects will be a 4 hour project, basically done in one day.  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Member Todd  
Reckelberg, that the Agreement with HMI for in-kind Concrete repair was  
approved and referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
MS4 Annual Report 2023, recommending accepting the report and placing  
on file  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the 2023 MS4 Annual Report was accepted and placed on file for  
consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Out of State Travel Request for Sewer Equipment of America 900ECO in  
Indianapolis for Shawn Wagner, Jason Richardson, Brad Rusbolt, William  
Stalvey, recommending approval  
D. Koski reported that training was the formality after purchasing of Sewer  
Truck. Four employees to attend training in Indianapolis. The only cost will be  
for hotel, meals and fuel.  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Request for sewer truck out of state training was approved  
for consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Manitowoc Family Aquatic Center 2024 Pre-Season Update  
C. Hall report the pre-season update to the Committee. This includes the  
season start and end dates as well as the hours.  
M. Cummings requested making updates to the City Website to include the  
current fees and pricing.  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the Manitowoc Family Aquatic Center 2024 updates was placed on file  
for Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Manitowoc Recreation Private Swim Lessons at Manitowoc Family  
Aquatic Center  
C. Hall stated that this is not currently in the DPI Fee Schedule. He said they  
were recently approached about offering private swim lessons and are seeking  
permission to create the program.  
The request is to include an amendment to include private lessons in the Fee  
Schedule. He said the charge will be in line with surrounding communities as  
well as the YMCA.  
M. Cummings said there is a demand and is in full support.  
T. Boldt wants to make sure there is language to state that the lessons are  
open to elements and cancellations might occur.  
A motion was made by Member Michael Cummings, seconded by Vice Chair Tim  
Boldt, that the Request to add Private Swim Lessons at Manitowoc Family  
Aquatic Center was approved and referred to the Finance Committee. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Manitowoc Recreation Sponsorships  
C. Hall explained the sponsorship program they are looking to launch. Any  
sponsors for events will be advertised both on radio and on a banner for the  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that these Request to approve the sponsorship program was  
approved and referred to Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Tim Boldt amended the Motion to put through the City Attorney, then withdrew  
his amendment as it is part of the donation process.  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Release of Platted Access Easement - Reed Avenue  
The Engineering Department has no issues releasing. No public utilities in this  
direct area.  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Chad  
Beeman, that the Request to release platted access easement on Reed Avenue  
was approved and referred to the Plan Commission. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Request for Approval for Improvements to Manitowoc Chiefs Youth Football  
M. Cummings presented to the Committee the proposed improvements the  
Chief's Organization will be looking to make in the upcoming years. This will be  
fully funded by the Chiefs, through donations and fundraising.  
This year marks the 50th Anniversary for the Youth Football. He explained  
changes will be made to the hill, to include concrete and walkpath, a firepit,  
lighted walkway with banners, 500 person elevated bleachers, additional 25  
parking stalls and designated bus parking.  
The Committee complimented him for his dedication to the Chiefs and this  
project. They would like for this to go through the City Attorney and to follow the  
Donation Policy. T. Reckelberg recommended proof of the funding of this  
M. Cummings said they will most likely be doing this in phases.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Todd  
Reckelberg, that the Request for Manitowoc Chiefs Youth Football Park was  
approved and referred to council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Chairperson  
Steven Czekala, that the Request for Manitowoc Chiefs Youth Football Park  
Improvements was approved pending approved Agreement and Financial Report  
approved by the City Attorney. The Request was approved as amended for  
Council. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
Request to re-name Clay Pit Road to Chiefs Way  
M. Cummings said that with the 50 year Chief's Anniversary, they would like to  
rename Clay Pit Road to Chief's Way. Any funding would be from Chiefs. This  
could kickoff the campaign for fundraising.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Chad  
Beeman, that the Request to rename Clay Pit Road to Chief's Way was approved  
and referred to the Plan Commission. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
7. Previously Tabled Items  
Project RainCheck Municipal Partner MOU Draft, recommending denying  
the Request and placing on file  
A motion was made by Member Todd Reckelberg, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the Project RainCheck Municipal Partner MOU was denied and  
referred to Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  
8. Adjournment  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Tim Boldt, seconded by Member Michael  
Cummings, that the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. The motion carried by  
the following vote:  
5 - Cummings, Beeman, Czekala, Boldt and Reckelberg  